  • 學位論文


Human Resource Sustainable Development under Gender Mainstreaming, a Case Study of Customs Officials

指導教授 : 張世賢


在性別主流化的潮流下,關務特考因應趨勢而取消性別報考限制後,逐年增加的女性關員對於傳統以男性為主力的人力資源產生衝擊。再加上大量資深的關員於短時間內提早離退,替補的新進關員又缺乏實務歷練之下產生了人力斷層。本研究以政治、法律與管理的面向並輔以永續發展的觀點來探討性別主流化對於關務人力資源的影響,以提供關務組織未來人力資源政策的參考與建議。 本研究採用文獻分析法與深度訪談法,搜集國內、外相關文獻資料加以分析比較和與現職於關稅總局、基隆關稅局及臺北關稅局的人員關於本論文之議題深入訪談,以獲得第一手的資料與看法。訪談的對象以任職於人事、法制與核心業務之10位資深關員。 本研究發現性別主流化影響了關務人力資源。在政治面,關員的性別比例因此而改變,回應了外界關於代表性官僚及人口組成的期望;在法律面,相關人事法令對於關員的保障已經足夠;在管理面,女性關員增加而影響整體生產力等。再者,海關人力資源的實務經驗斷層已經發生,海關對於人力斷層並沒有採取任何永續發展的政策或是配套措施,而是以傳統的上課、講習、座談會等方式來進行經驗傳承。 本研究建議,關務人力資源在政治面應建立穩定的人事甄補政策;在法律面應落實輪調制度與專才專用;在管理面應增進新進人員核心能力與改善作業環境;在永續面應以師徒制加強經驗傳承與交流及鼓勵知識分享,以突破關務人力資源的困境。


Under the trend of gender mainstreaming, the special examination for customs was canceled its gender restrictions to response the trends. The numbers of female staffs have increased year by year, to bring impact on the traditionally male staffs as the main force of the customs human resources. Coupled with the large number of senior customs officer early retirees in a short time, the replacement of the newcomers with the lack of practical experience had human resource faults. In this study with political, legal, management and sustainable development aspects in gender mainstreaming the author highlights its impact of customs human resources, to provide future reference for human resource policies and recommendations for the customs organization. This study uses literature review and in-depth interview, to collect domestic and foreign related literatures to analysis and compare. The in-depth interview includes ten staffs serving in the Directorate General of Customs, the Keelung Customs Bureau and the Taipei Customs Bureau. The study found that gender mainstreaming affects customs human resources. In the political aspect, changes in the customs official’ sex ratio, to response the external expectations of representative bureaucracy and the composition of population; in the legal aspect, the relevant Customs Officer Personnel Act for the protection is adequate; in the management aspect, the increase in female staffs affect the overall productivity. Moreover, practical experience in customs human resources fault has occurred, the customs organization for human faults did not take any sustainable development policy or supporting measures, only in traditional classes, educational sessions, and symposiums for the experience inherits. This study suggests that customs human resources in the political aspect should establish a stable personnel recruit policy; in the legal aspect, rotation system should be implemented and staffs with professional skills special-purpose; in the management aspect, newcomers should be enhanced their core competencies and their working environment should bring improved; in sustainable aspect government should enhance the experience by apprenticeship and encourage knowledge sharing and exchange, to break off the plight of customs human resources


胡藹若 (2007),《性別平權的理念分析》,復興崗學報,第89期,頁365-388。


