  • 學位論文


Fabrication of D-shaped Optical Fiber Bragg Filters/Sensors using Soft-Lithographic Molding Technologies

指導教授 : 莊為群


本研究中使用光學全像干涉微影技術(Holographic Interference Lithography)與黃光微影製程(Photolithography)等技術,將製作出的布拉格光柵成形於二甲基矽氧烷(polydimethysiloxane,PDMS)軟模上,並使用研磨技術製作D型光纖結構,先將單模光纖固定於凸面結構的玻璃基板上,完成後固定於研磨機上進行研磨。研磨過程中,將使用SLD寬頻光源(Super Luminescent Diode)與光功率檢測器進行監測,並觀察其功率變化,配合畢氏定理和光學顯微鏡來推測光纖研磨程度及距離纖核之距離,研磨完成後,把具有布拉格光柵的PDMS軟模覆蓋在D型光纖上,並將液晶以毛細現象流入其夾縫中。 本研究成功的研製了D型光纖並把布拉格光柵成形於PDMS軟模上,藉由原子力顯微鏡(AFM)可觀察其光柵深度與週期。並由可調式雷射光源(Tunable Leaser)與光循環器進行測量與紀錄結果,將之研究與探討。


In this study, the use of optical holographic interference lithography and photolithography process technology,will produce a Bragg grating formed on the PDMS soft mold, and use technology to produce D-Shaped optical fiber abrasive structure, fixed to the first single mode fiber convex structure on a glass substrate, fixed to the grinding machine after the completion of the polishing. Milling process,grinding process, the use of broadband light source SLD detector with optical power monitoring, and observe the power change,with the pythagorean theorem and optical microscope to speculated that the degree of grinding fiber and the distance from the fiber core, after the completion of the grinding, the Bragg grating with a soft PDMS mold covering the D-shaped optical fiber, capillarity and liquid crystal to flow into the cracks in their. This study successfully developed a D-shaped optical fiber Bragg grating and put on soft PDMS mold, by atomic force microscopy (AFM) to observe the grating depth and period. By tunable laser source and optical circulator measurement and record results, the study and discussion of.


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