  • 學位論文


A Study on Service Quality Improvement of Keelung Harbor Police Office

指導教授 : 胡智熊


警察主要負責社會治安、犯罪防制以及交通維護,與民眾接觸最為頻繁密切。面對民眾對公共服務需求的水準日益升高,過去傳統的服務方式及觀念已逐漸無法滿足現今民眾的要求。且政府服務必須與時俱進,才能貼近民眾的想法,滿足民眾的需求,因此政府97年1月起修訂實施「政府服務創新精進方案」,並依據此方案創設「政府服務品質獎」,做為推動為民服務品質的最高榮譽。 基隆港務警察局為了提高服務品質,自持續參加行政院服務品質獎、政府服務品質獎競賽,但尚未得到評審青睞。本研究以榮獲第一屆至第三屆政府服務品質獎之桃園縣警察局、台中縣警察局與新竹市警察局作為標竿學習對象,利用次級資料分析法進行服務品質差異比較,最終分析歸納出具有實用價值的理論與經驗,提出可應用於基隆港務警察局服務品質改善之建議。 研究結果與建議:1. 持續的教育訓練與考核獎懲是提升服務品質最基本的作法。2. 持續追蹤民眾對服務品質的反應,如此才能對症下藥。3. 服務成果資訊化與數據化。對於服務品質的改善需要詳盡的紀錄與比較。4. 利用現代科技配合創新服務以提升服務品質。5. 因為主要服務的內容與對象不同,基隆港務警察局的人力資源規劃上應該要與地方警察局有所差異。


With changes in government competency and public demand, for public service to evolve and improve with time, the Research, Development and Evaluation Commission (RDEC) has formulated the Government Service Quality Award Implementation Plan, which in addition to continuing existing outstanding service methods and standards, also implements the wider distribution of government information as well as the key integration of government resources and innovative services to be used in the future as the basis for comprehensive improvement in the government’s quality of service. The service quality improvement in public service agencies based on the approach of benchmarking is thought as the excellent strategic tool. The benchmarking provides the basis for performance comparison. So far, there are 3 police offices receiving the Government Service Quality Awards. This research reviewed the service quality of Keelung Harbor Police Office with the approach of benchmarking based on the secondary analysis of 3 awarded police offices. The findings of this research includes : 1. Continuous training programs and evaluation are necessary; 2. Continuous service quality survey to understand the demand of citizens is important; 3. Service quality should be recorded quantitatively. 4. New technologies should be heavily involved in the services. 5. The main service of the Keelung Harbor Police Office is different from service of local police offices. Therefore, the human resource management could be handled differently.


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