  • 學位論文


Design and Study for Wide Angle Intraoral Camera

指導教授 : 陳志隆 張俊彥


本論文設計之廣角口腔內視鏡是為口腔檢查。近年來鏡頭模組製程技術突飛猛進,遠較過去輕薄短小,而價錢更是十分低廉。另一方面,立體攝影技術雖是一門古老的科學,但在3D系統於這一兩年形成風潮後被各國大力發展,成為顯示光學發展的顯學。 本研究希望能透過整合多個鏡頭模組,提供一個廣角而低畸變的視野,讓醫生在檢查紀錄病人口腔時更加方便。同時,透過整合多個鏡頭模組的特性,形成視差,可以設計口腔鏡的立體視覺。 希望這項技術能應用在口腔檢查、簡報、建檔記錄上,造福更多人類的健康。


廣角 口腔內視鏡 低畸變 景深


The wide angle intraoral camera we designed is for oral examination. The fabrication technology of camera module has greatly improved, and the lens module is lighter, smaller, and cheaper as before. On the other hand, the stereo technology is an ancient knowledge, but it has been improved significantly the image application in recent years. The governments and companies in the world also focus on stereo systems development. In this study, we use multiple lens modules to design a low wide angle view with low optical distortion. This result can let doctor observe the patients oral cavity more easily. And we can get a 3D oral image using multiple camera modules, which can produce stereo vision. This technology is expected to be used in the oral examination, photography and record. We believe that this design can help more people with health.


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[1] www.omnivision.com
