

本論文欲替印刷電路板產業找到新商機的機會,故探討車用印刷電路板相關的產業特性、競爭條件。基於上述的研究動機,首先藉由文獻探討,選擇應用 S-C-P 的模型架構做為分析工具,並用SWOT的競爭優勢分析來擬訂策略,透過對車用印刷電路板產業做完整的了解與詳盡的分析,探尋車用印刷電路板相關業者可發展之經營方向,研究的目的期能對於車用印刷電路板業者提供具建設性的啟發,也對印刷電路板產業的轉型有所貢獻。最後則進一步檢視個案公司的競爭優勢並推想合適的發展策略,本論文已得出相關研究結果,並對個案公司擬訂之策略型態分為 配對策略、轉換策略及創新策略。 在汽車大量採用電子化的帶動之下,相對拉升車用印刷電路板向上成長,因車用印刷電路板有穩定訂單和高毛利率的特點,吸引諸多印刷電路板業者關注此一新藍海市場。由於汽車的使用是在高速行駛的環境下進行,因此,確保汽車零件的品質,保障駕駛及乘客的生命安全,是所有國際車廠最重視的議題,故車用印刷電路板在耐溫、耐腐蝕抗、電磁波與抗震的要求更嚴於3C產品規格,零組件供應商能提供長期穩健的品質保證,遠比能提供價格便宜的產品更重要。 欲切入車用印刷電路板板的供應鏈中,車廠對於產品的驗證期長約三年的時間,而在驗證期當中,車廠將會要求諸多對於不同測試條件的產品試做,並且隨時派員進駐工廠內,稽核工廠的生產流程與工序,不容許有絲毫偷工減料和任意變更製程、材料的行為出現,對於最後出貨的產品品質則要求達到幾近零缺陷的高良率目標,故對於業者自身生產技術的提升,與生產良率的改善都是具有助益的。   車用印刷電路板領域,雖然市場規模無法與3C產業相比,但因為長久、穩定訂單及高進入障礙的特性,是維持公司長期經營的穩定營收來源,對於國內印刷電路板業者而言,是一個值得長久保存的績優客戶。


Expecting to provide constructive contribution of transformation for the automotive Printed Circuit Board (PCB) manufacturers, as well as seek for new opportunity for the PCB industry, this research focuses on discussing the PCB business characteristics and competition conditions. With this main objective, the research primarily selects S-C-P model as the analytic tool with SWOT analysis to formulate the strategy; additionally, the researcher selects a case to review the competition strengths and offers the suitable development strategies which are matching strategy, turnaround strategy and innovation strategy. With the development of the modem electronic technology in automobile industry, there is a significant growth of PCB used for automobile. Due to the features of automobile business, namely, stable demand and high profit margin, many PCB manufacturers are attracted to go for this blue ocean. More specifically, this has become an essential issue because automobile is used under the fast speed so that automobile makers need to ensure the high reliability of automotive components and the safety issue of the drivers and passengers. Therefore, compared to 3C products, automotive PCB requires higher quality of temperature tolerance, anti-corrosion, anti-electromagnetic wave and anti-vibration. The main feature of automotive PCB industry is that it takes three years for automobile makers to qualify the components, and they would conduct various testing under different parameters during the qualification process. Moreover, in order to maintain no arbitrary change of manufacturing process and materials, as well as achieve the zero-defect results, automotive makers would also send engineers to on-site audit the manufacturing process and procedures. With those high standards of quality requirements, it is extremely beneficial for PCB manufacturers enhancing production skills and yields. Although the economic scale of automotive PCB is much smaller than that of 3C PCB, the unique characteristics of automobile business which consist of long- term relationship, stable demand and high entry barrier indeed provide the opportunity for PCB manufacturers to turn the challenges into the vital sources of long-term business.


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林永祥(2015)。印刷電路板產業經營管理與發展策略之 個案分析-以志超科技為例〔碩士論文,國立中央大學〕。華藝線上圖書館。https://www.airitilibrary.com/Article/Detail?DocID=U0031-0412201512043495
