

中國大陸為促進民辦教育事業的健康發展,及加強對外交流與合作,於2003年9月1日起,同時實施了《中華人民共和國民辦教育促進法》及《中華人民共和國中外合作辦學條例》。據估計,十年後民辦幼兒教育園所設立達到了12萬所以上,民辦幼兒園所的在園學童超過了1,850萬人,占全國幼兒園所總人數的50%。未來,根據《教育規劃綱要(2010-2020年)》的教育事業發展主目標,在2020年,全國幼兒園所的總在園人數將達到4000萬人,可見大陸幼兒教育產業蘊含發展潛力。同時,這十年大陸年平均工資增長率%超過了14%,因此對於優質高價的幼兒園所需求將日益提升。 面對這個龐大的機會,本研究旨在提出一個在大陸開拓幼教事業創業計畫。計畫在掌握了台灣連鎖幼兒園所的經營經驗和資源下,並設法突破大陸法令對於連鎖加盟經營模式的限制,以及設立幼兒園所的嚴格規範。創業計畫提出一個創新的營運模式,捨棄了一般業者以連鎖加盟方法來拓展經濟規模版圖的經營模式,而改以諮詢顧問服務事業來回應幼兒產業投資經營者的需求。即為將客戶設定為大陸幼兒園經營業者(協助他們的營運升級),而非一般幼教事業以家長與學童為客戶。如此一來,不只以合作取代了與大陸現有幼兒園所的競爭,同時經營領域為顧問諮詢,也規避了了大陸法規對教育事業和連鎖事業的障礙。最後透過可行性分析,驗證該創新商業模式為可行。


In the past, all education institution, including pre-school education, were owned and run by the state in China. However, in order to promote investing non-state resources in the education sector, the Chinese government published the “Non-state Education Promotion Law of the People's Republic of China” and the “Regulations of the People’s Republic of China on Chinese-Foreign Cooperation in Running Schools” in September 1, 2003. It was estimated that there will be one hundred and twenty thousand non-state kindergartens, accommodating eighteen million pre-school children, and taking a 50% market share. According to the “National Education Plan, 2010-2014”, in 2020, there will be forty million children enrolled in kindergartens throughout the nation. There is a huge potential market in pre-school education. In addition, in the past ten years, the average monthly income for wage earners escalated 14%, translating to a higher ability for parents to pay for high quality kindergartens. This study aims at proposing a business plan to startup a pre-school education business to take benefit from the opportunity. The proposal makes use of the experience and resources of successful kindergarten chains in Taiwan, design solutions to eschew the maze of regulations in business chain operations and foreign invested education institutions. An innovative business model is proposed, abandoning the usual practice of acquiring economics of scale in chain operations, but takes on the route of a management consultant service, to respond to the keen demand of existing kindergarten operators to upgrade their service, instead of servicing children and parents. Under this arrangement, the new company will cooperate, instead of compete, with the existing kindergarten operators, and readily comply to the Chinese legislations and regulations. Finally, a feasibility study was conducted, and the viability of the innovative business model was supported.


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