  • 學位論文

企業專案管理EPM系統導入之成功關鍵因素 – 以A公司為例

The Study of Key Successful Factors for EPM (Enterprise Project Management) System Implementation – An Example of Company A in the Networking Industry.

指導教授 : 何應欽


企業面對著多變且競爭的環境,一般中小企業置於資訊科技日新月異進步的潮流中,也不能夠置身事外,維持且不斷持續的創新是每個公司都想要超越獲利且維持永續經營的不二法門,因此公司的策略以及經營方針也必須密切的配合此一環境而作改變,個案公司基於這個想法,成功地導入一套企業專案管理EPM系統 (Enterprise Project Management,EPM),將產品生命週期中各個階段的專案管理以及工作流程,都能予以標準化及資訊化;希望藉由這套良好管理資訊系統的協助,完成各種新產品之開發,並提高新產品開發之效率以及後續追蹤。 1. 針對此新系統能為A公司帶來的幫助,本研究得結論如下: 2. 全觀的角度規劃公司所有的研發專案 3. 跨專案時程進度與成本的掌握 4. 跨專案問題的追蹤與管控 5. 有效的配置企業人力資源 6. 資源使用與工作配置最佳化降低閒置與等待的人力時間 7. 集中管控的資訊平台降低溝通的時間 8. 研發團隊間有效及時的溝通,大幅降低溝通與開會的時間 9. 知識管理與溝通 10.經驗的保存與流傳,縮短產品研發時程 11.加速跨部門溝通與作業流程的改善 12.加速組織成長,提高新人學習曲線


In the variant and competitive business environments, companies have to change the product management system as time goes by. Based on this, the subject company in this study successfully utilizes a set of Enterprise Project Management (EPM) system to enhance its advantages. EPM is the process of managing the entire lifecycle of a product/project and it provides a standard product information flow for companies to integrate people, processes and product data across the complete chains with effective collaboration among the multiple departments. The advantages of applying this new system to A company is as below based on this case study: 1. To review all projects of the company from an overall aspects. 2. To control the cross-project schedules and costs. 3. To control and track down the cross-project issues. 4. To allocate human resources affectively. 5. To utilize the resources and job allocation to reduce the pending human resources and working hours. 6. To reduce the communication time by using a centralized information platform. 7. To reduce the meeting time for communication by prompt and affective discussions within the team. 8. Knowledge management and communication. 9. The system for keeping lesson-learns cases and experiences to shorten the product development schedule. 10.To improve the cross-function discussion and processes. 11.The improvement of the organization and freshmen’s learning curve.


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