  • 學位論文

動物飼料配製業價值及其動因之比較研究-以 大成 vs 卜蜂公司為例

A Comparative Study of Valuation and Value Driver in the Prepared Animal Feeds Manufacturing -- Great Wall Enterprise Co., Ltd. vs. Charoen Pokphand Enterprise (Taiwan) Co.

指導教授 : 黃德舜


台灣加入WTO後,台灣飼料市場從2001年的需求量680萬公噸縮減到2004年的500萬公噸,降幅約25%。台灣動物飼料配製業之下游需求為畜牧業,其市場依主要畜養別可區分成豬、雞及鴨等三大區塊,近年,豬肉品質疑慮以及開放市場等因素衝擊下,比重呈現逐年下降格局。至於雞鴨蓄養市場方面,除了鴨畜養市場格局仍維持成長走勢外,雞畜養市場同樣面臨萎縮窘境。台灣動物飼料配製業在市場衝擊、需求減少、經濟效益下降相關企業是否仍可獲利將是非常重要的課題,如何評估企業的價值在此時更顯得重要。因此在此時企業要如何維持持續成長、企業面臨新挑戰及因應不景氣的能力如何、同業市場競爭未來如何能為股東創造利益、企業價值為何?如何創造企業價值?顯得非常重要。 本研究衡量企業價值之指標,有別於傳統的績效衡量指標,運用台灣地區2家上市動物飼料配製產業公司於2006年至2010年公開之財務資料,本研究將採用自由現金流量基礎模式來進行企業評價,然後在針對個案公司價值評估比較、價值動因分析。實證結果如下: (ㄧ)動物飼料配製產業個案公司價值評估及其敏感度分析之結果 1. 個案公司毛利率變化與個案公司每股真實價值呈正相關。 2. 個案公司營業收入變化與個案公司每股真實價值呈正相關。 3. 個案公司資本支出與個案公司每股真實價值呈正相關。 (二)動物飼料配製產業個案的領導階層當在考慮決策、資源的運用等相關問題,藉由企業價值動因分析及核心能力分析,可使個案的領導階層重視公司所擁有的獲利能力,增加企業個體的經濟價值,提升企業個體對社會的貢獻,獲得投資人的肯定。


Since its entering WTO, Taiwan has seen its demand in animal feed decline to 5 million metric ton in 2004 from 6.8 million metric ton in 2001. Animal feed industry in Taiwan is basically divided into three parts: pig, chicken, and duck. Pork consumption rate has been dwindling due to quality concern and market opening. Duck market is growing slowly, while chicken is shrinking steadily. Facing market competition, demand declining, and economic profit falling, animal feed company has to consider its profitability and evaluate its value. How to create sustainable growth and profitable corporate value should become a primary concern. This research uses public financial data from animal feed companies between 2006 and 2010, based on the free cash flow model to evalucate the valuation of these companies, and has reached the following empirical results: 1. For the case companies in the screw fastener industry, value analysis and sensitivity analysis results show that: A. Gross profit rate is positive related to its intrinsic value. B. Operating revenue change is positive related to its intrinsic value. C. Capital expenditure are positive related to its intrinsic value. 2. When making critical decisions and resource allocation considerations, value driver analysis and core competence analysis can help corporate executives to valuate its profitability and create economic value for the company, and this will help investors to evaluate the companies.


陳基祥、林明杰(2006),”以核心能力之觀點探討購併整合:以國際製程自動化產業購併案為例”,中華管理學報 第7卷 第4期,頁29-49。
