  • 學位論文


Exploring Decision Factors for IT Investment on Organization Critical Activities Based on GAHP Approach

指導教授 : 洪為璽


資訊普及到無所不在的科技環境中,企業發展朝向創新和改良中前進,相較以往環境,企業借助投資科技的力量,如ERP、CRM、網站等…,朝向數位化發展,藉此創造或支援組織的競爭優勢,IT投資對於企業來說已經是基本且必要的投資。然投資中雖有成功應用的案例,但也不乏方向錯誤而導致經營損失的公司,中小企業也容易隨著經濟環境的變化影響投資金額的大小,經營者必須在投資中找出組織關鍵活動(Organizational Critical Activities, OCAs)進行結合,避免因未將資源投資於關鍵活動之上而造成損失,並將組織帶入永續經營的方向。 在學術上,過去缺乏組織關鍵活動和IT投資的決策因素探討,本研究以GAHP方法將IT投資在OCA上的比重以及管理者對於組織關鍵活動優先排序,對兩者進行比對探討,彙整相關的研究、訪談資料找出決策的關鍵因素。研究結果發現,IT的投資決策會相關到公司的內部管理、生產和外部的供應鏈流程,因此在投資時必須確認其符合公司需求,以及需要考量到不同的因素,所以對於IT投資時,高階主管的決策很重要,高階主管是否能夠了解IT的特性,並正確地應用於組織層面中,將影響IT投資的成效以及組織的營運方向。如果主管能投資正確的方向,就能發揮IT系統的效益,為組織帶來成功。


In the ubiquitous technology environment, enterprises are becoming more innovative and smarter. Compared with previous environment, companies invest information technologies greatly in order to create competitive advantages. IT investment has been already basic and necessary investment for companies. Although many successful investment cases exist, there are some wrong decisions that lead to losses for the company. SMEs are likely to change the size of their investment based on the economic environment. Managers must identify the organization critical activities (OCAs) and match them with their investment decisions to avoid poor resources investment leading to losses. In the literature, it is lacking the studies discussing the critical factors of information technology (IT) on OCAs. This study prioritized the weight of IT investment on OCAs and priority on OCAs given by the management, and then compared both priorities based on the GAHP approach. The results showed that, IT investment decisions will involve the company's internal management, production and external supply chain processes. Thus, the investment must match with the company's needs. Senior executives’ decision is very important in IT investment. Executives’ understanding on the IT characteristics and correctly using it at the organizational level would impact the company’s operational effectiveness and direction of IT investment organization. If the executive can invest in the right direction, IT systems would be able to bring benefits and success to the organization.


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