

摘 要 2015年12月15日立法院三讀通過個人資料保護法(下稱個資法)修正條文,正式將病歷列為特種個資。往後病歷、醫療、基因、性生活、健康檢查等有關之醫療資料列入個資法特種個資加強保護。在個資法修正施行後,醫療機關院所應如何保護病人醫療隱私?如何制定安全維護措施?有探討及釐清之必要。 本文先從隱私權於憲法上之保護基礎、隱私權內容之演進過程以及國際間對隱私權之保障規範切入,探討醫療隱私權之特殊性,何以個資法將其列為特別個資,並賦予較高之保護密度。再以國家健康資料庫案為例,說明醫療隱私權與公共利益產生衝突時應如何調合。 其次探討國際隱私權保護規範如OECD隱私保護及個人資料之國際傳輸指導方針、亞太經濟合作組織隱私保護綱領、歐盟之個人資料處理及自由流通保護指令、美國安全港隱私原則。再說明我國對醫療隱私權保護之相關規範及個資法相關概念及其運用。 再則本文探討醫療機關院所在適用個資法時應為何種制度建置,先介紹有關個人資料保護之相關標準制度如:日本個人資料管理制度(JISQ15001)、英國個人資料保護管理制度(BS 10012)、臺灣國家標準(CNS 29100)、臺灣個人資料保護與管理制度規範(TPIPAS)等認證制度。 最後本文綜合論文各章的論述,除針對醫療機構應依個資法施行細則第12條如何建置安全維護措施提出具體方法外,並整理並作成對於個資法之修正及建議。 關鍵詞:醫療隱私權、個人資料保護法、敏感性資料、安全港隱私原則、CNS 29100、TPIPAS 、BS 10012、JISQ15001


Abstract The amended articles of Personal Information Protection Act (hereinafter referred to as “PIPA”) were passed through the third reading in Legislative Yuan on December 25, 2015, to officially list medical records as special personal information. In the future, the medical records, medical status, genes, sex life, and health check related to medical information shall be included in special personal information of PIPA to strengthen protection. After implementation of the amended PIPA, how medical institutions should protect the patient’s medical privacy, and formulate safety and maintenance measures are necessary for exploration and clarification.   In this thesis, the protection basis of privacy on the Constitution, the evolution of the content of privacy, and international norms on privacy protection are first presented, to explore the specificity of medical privacy, why which is listed as personal information in PIPA, and given a higher density of protection. And then, the national health database is taken as example to indicate how to harmonize the conflict happened between medical privacy and public interest. Next, the international norms on privacy protection are discussed, such as OECD Guidelines on the Protection of Privacy and Trans-Border Flows of Personal Data, APEC Privacy Framework, The Directive on the Protection of Personal Data (95/46/EC), and Safe Harbor Framework. In addition, Taiwan’s norms related to protection of medical privacy, and related concepts of PIPA and its application are described.    Further discussion on this thesis is about how medical institutions should build what kind of system in the application of PIPA. First, the standard systems related to personal information protection are introduced, for example, the ccertification system as Japan Industrial Standards (JIS Q15001), British Standards (BS 10012), Chinese National Standards (CNS 2910), and Taiwan Personal Information Protection and Administration System (TPIPAS). Finally, the chapters of this thesis are integrated, in addition to proposing specific methods against how medical institutions should build security and maintenance measures in accordance with Article 12 of Enforcement Rules of the Personal Information Protection Act, after organization, amendments and suggestions are made to PIPA. Key words: medical privacy, Personal Information Protection Act, sensitive information, Safe Harbor Framework, CNS 29100, TPIPAS, BS 10012, JISQ15001


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