  • 學位論文


Anna and Her Friends-The Research on Role Position of Educare Givers in Public Preschools

指導教授 : 王雅玄


安娜與她的朋友 -公立幼兒園教保員的角色定位探究 童盈綺 國立中正大學教育學研究所 摘  要 本研究旨在暸解公立幼兒園教保員之角色定位。以教保員、學校行政人員、幼教師及家長的立場,探討其對教保員的角色知覺、角色接納、角色期望和角色實踐的定位,並據教保員工作現況及相關法令提出結論與建議。 本研究採質性研究法,以立意取樣的方式選取嘉義市某專設幼兒園和某公立國小附設幼兒園各一所,以其教保員、學校行政人員、幼教師及家長共十位研究對象,藉由半結構式訪談問題,進行個別的深度訪談。研究資料主要來源為上述十位研究對象的訪談逐字稿,輔以研究者的訪談日誌,其資料分析的方法及步驟以主軸分析法為依歸。 茲將本研究重要發現分別說明如下: 一、公立幼兒園的專任教保員功能僅在帶班,無法分擔園內的行政業務;增置教保員能帶班,卻無教學主導權,行政業務分擔較多。 二、教保員將教保員角色定位為教師,對於教保員身分的認同度不高。 三、學校行政人員將教保員角色定位為教保員,但專業能力不足。 四、幼教師將教保員角色定位為保育員,教保員適教對象年齡層應有區分。 五、家長對於教保員角色定位為教保員。 本研究最後進一步針對教育行政主管機關、公立幼兒園行政人員、公立幼兒園教保員及未來研究者分別提出建議。 關鍵字:教保員、角色定位、角色知覺、角色接納、角色期望、角色實踐


Anna and Her Friends The Research on Role Position of Educare Givers in Public Preschools Ying Chi, Tung Graduate Institute of Education, National Chung Cheng University The current qualitative study aimed at exploring the role position of educare givers in public preschools. The role perception, role acceptance, role expectations and the role performance of educare givers were also investigated from different aspects of educare givers, school administrative staff, preschool teachers and parents. Finally, according to the current working status of educare givers and the related regulations, the researcher made the conclusion and proposed some suggestions for future researchers, administrative staff and educare givers in public preschools, and education administrative authorities respectively. The ten participants of the current study were educare givers, school administrative staff, preschool teachers and parents chosen from one private preschool and one public preschool by purposively sampling in Chiayi City. To collect the data, the researcher conducted individual in-depth interviews. The data were then analyzed with the reference of interview transcriptions and interview logs by principal axis factoring. The findings of the current study are as follows: 1. The educare givers in public preschools cannot help the administrative work in Schools.Therefore, increasing the number of educare givers helps to lead the class, but without the right to lead right in teaching, the educare givers have to share more administrative work. 2. The educare givers regard themselves as preschool teachers, with low identification to the role as educare givers. 3. The administrative staff in schools regard educare givers as those who lack professional skills. 4. The preschool teachers regard educare givers as care givers. There should be a clear age difference in the students in schools. 5. The parents regard educare givers as edicare givers not teachers. Key words: educare giver, role position, role perception, role acceptance, role expectations, role performance


