  • 學位論文


指導教授 : 陳幸仁


本研究旨在探討樂樂國小(化名)低年級教師協同教學歷程,進行低年級協同教學之過程中,希望藉由六位優秀教師為研究對象,以訪談知經驗提供低年級省思之參考協同教學的模式研究目的包含﹕低年級教師協同教學的模式﹔低年級協同教學教師的困境與解決策略﹔低年級教學後師生的認同。本研究在質化研究取向下,採用個案研究方式雲林縣樂樂國小低年級為研究對象,透過觀察、訪談及相關文件的蒐集以穫取各種資料。根據資料分析與研究結果的討論,歸納出以下的結論﹕ 壹、 低年級的協同教學以主題式比較適當 貳、 低年級參與的人員因以級任老師為主,行政人員與家長為輔的協同教學。 參、 低年級協同教學的困境與解決策略 一、主題式的協同教學可以解決行政人員的宣導多的問題。 二、開會時間緊湊,教師應多利用下課空閒時間彈性利用溝通協調。 三、分組問題,以跨年級教學比較適當,解決少子化帶來的困境,學生增加互 相溝通及學習的機會。 基於以上的研究研究者對對低年級協同教學的提出的建議﹕ 壹、 對低年級教師的建議 一、 擔任低年級教師的應多參加專業進修,符合時代的需求。 二、 擔任低年級教師在課程規劃,應該和其他年段做橫的連結做完整的規 劃,以達到完整性的教學。 三、 低年級教師應充分了解家長的專業領域,多邀請家長參與協同教學的教 學,鼓勵家長走入班級,豐富教學內容。 貳、 對學校行政的建議, 一、 協同教學實施常感到學校的空間不足,討論時間少,應以低、中、高 年級協同教學活動來分區規畫,避免學校教室空間閒置。 二、 學校行政多舉辦親職教育講座或活動,讓親師增加溝通管道和共同的話題。 参、對未來研究者的建議 一、從行政人員、教師或家長的不同角度切入研究,以不同的角度探討協同教學的內涵。 二、針對國小低中高不同年段的協同教學之完整規畫,進行多面向探討,避免重複或遺漏的情形。


This study was designed to investigate Lele Low-grade elementary school teacher (a pseudonym) Low-grade teachers Collaborative teaching the course, The course of the junior team teaching. We are hoping six outstanding teachers for the study, In the interview experience low-grade teachers provide a reference model of team teaching, Objective comprising: Low-grade teacher team teaching mode; Low-grade teacher teaching and collaborative dilemma solving strategies. After teaching the lower grades teachers and students agree. This study, qualitative research orientation, Using case study approach, Yunlin County State Lele Low-grade elementary school teacher low-grade for the study. Through collecting observations, interviews and related documents. To obtain a variety of information. According to data analysis and discussion of findings Collaborative teaching the lower grades in order to more appropriately themed﹒ 1.One team teaching, low-grade style more appropriate to the theme 2.Personnel II, is due to lower grades participate in class teacher based, collaborative teaching and administrative staff and parents supplemented. 3. Ginseng, low-grade teaching and collaborative dilemma A .Collaborative teaching theme-based advocacy can solve many problems of the administrative staff. B. Compact meeting time, teachers should make more use of free time after class Flexible use of communication and coordination. C. The group questions to cross-grade teaching more appropriate to address the difficulties caused by low birth rate, the opportunity to communicate with each other and increase student learning. Based on the above study researchers for low-grade team teaching proposed suggest: 1. The low-grade teacher recommendations. A, As a low-grade teachers should take part in professional training, in line with the needs of the times. B. As a low-grade teachers in curriculum planning, and others should do the cross-section of the link to do a complete plan to achieve the integrity of the teaching. C. Low-grade teachers should fully understand the areas of expertise of parents, more parents invited to participate in collaborative teaching teaching, encourage parents into the classroom, teaching content. 2. To school administration's recommendation, A. The implementation of collaborative teaching often feel inadequate school space, less time for discussion should be based on low, medium and high-grade team teaching activities partition planning, avoid school classroom space unused. B. The school administration to hold more parent education seminars or activities to increase the channels of communication and a common topic of parents and teachers 3. Researchers recommend that future A. Research from different angles cut administrative staff, teachers or parents at different angles to explore the connotation of team teaching. B. The complete planning for collaborative teaching small low high segment of different years, to explore multi-faceted, avoid duplication or omission of the case. Keyword: Low-grade elementary school teacher , Cooperative teaching ,Thematic courses




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