  • 學位論文


A Study of Photographic Typology:The Local Land God Temples in Taichung City

指導教授 : 鄭正清


在臺灣的民間信仰中,土地公是最普遍的神祉,與民眾生活息息相關;諺語云「田頭田尾土地公」、「庄頭庄尾土地公」,因此有村落守護神之稱。臺灣民間的土地公廟型態,從單純立石祭拜,到豪華的雕龍畫棟,因地區聚落的生活型態,風俗典故不同,而發展出多元活潑的樣式。德國攝影家貝歇爾夫婦(Bernd and Hilla Becher)運用攝影中的類型學(Typology of Photography)的概念,客觀理性的記錄自然、工業、建築和人類社會。這種以分類形式的記錄方式,把攝影作為一種視覺工具來做為社會學研究的方法,奠定了當代攝影類型學的方法論基礎。研究者利用攝影類型學的方法,透過影像紀錄建築造型分類,來探討土地公廟的外觀造型的圖像學意涵。因此,本創作研究以臺灣傳統宗教建築中的「土地公廟」為樣本,並以現行大臺中市區域為範圍,做田野調查式的類型學影像紀錄研究,探究傳統土地公廟造型受到地理環境與時代變遷的影響,以及生活型態的改變,比較出其樣式之「變」與「不變」的型態表現;在祭祀功能的基本形制不變,衍生出多樣性的樣貌,所表現出的造形外延與內涵的意義。 經本研究歸納出土地公廟的造型樣式可分:立石祭祀原型、小室類型、小祠類型、小廟類型、單開間廟宇類型、單開間廟亭合一類型和豪華大型宮廟類型等七大類。透過分類比較,土地公廟的造型樣式蘊含深層歷史文化脈絡及圖像學的在地文化意涵極為豐富,可供社區永續以及歷史文化保存後續相關研究及文創產業參考。


The Local Land Gods (Fude Gods) as patrons are the most popular folk deities in Taiwanese religion. There are two sayings: “The Local Land Gods are located at farmland borders” and “The Local Land Gods are seen everywhere around villages.” The proverbs above indicate that the image of Fude Gods plays an important role in Taiwanese religious traditions. The architectural styles of Fude Temples are created from different construction materials based on the varieties of living or customs in Taiwan, such as, stones (some people just worship a stone) and the luxurious houses carved with dragon images. Mr. Bernd Becher and Mrs. Hilla Becher, two German photographers, brought up the concept of photographic typology developing an objective and rational way to record the varied profiles of societies, nature, industrial arts, and architectures. The photographic typology is a visual classification in the contemporary photography theory, which is used to relate photography to sociology. The architectural styles of Fude Temples are designed differently because of customs, areas, or historical periods, etc. By means of photographic topology, this field study to compare the various architectural designs of Fude Temples in Taichung will explore significant meanings of “the changed” and “the unchanged” in terms of religion, ways of worship, areas, and living. The architectural styles of the Local Land God Temples in Taichung basically was categorized as seven types: the stone-standing prototype, the small-room type, the small-hall type, the small-tample type, the single main hall tample type, the main hall temple with worship kiosk type and the luxurious multi-tample type. Thus, in my thesis, the images of the Local Land God Temples and the icons of Fude Gods in Taichung of Taiwan will be interpreted and read according to the photographic typology and iconology. The diverse images of the Local Land God Temples will symbolically imply the abounding cultural and historical meanings for preserving the folk cultures in the future Taiwanese communities.


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