  • 學位論文


A Study on the Production, Marketing and the International Competitiveness of Phalaenopsis Industry in Taiwan

指導教授 : 王親仁


根據行政院農業委員會資料顯示,2000年蝴蝶蘭出口值達1千8百多萬美元,成為全世界最大之蝴蝶蘭出口國,隨後逐年快速成長,截至2009年,蝴蝶蘭出口值已達6千2百多萬美元,占我國花卉總出口值的56%。   本研究以波特鑽石模型(Diamond Model)的六個構面(生產要素、需求條件、相關與支援性產業、企業策略、結構與競爭、機會與政府),分析我國蝴蝶蘭產業之產銷結構與優劣以及國際花卉市場的競爭力,以洞悉我國蝴蝶蘭產業在國際市場之競爭力。   實證分析研究結果顯示,我國蝴蝶蘭產業之品種多樣化與優越研發技術在國際市場具有競爭優勢;透過鑽石模型構面分析,發現我國在生產要素、相關及支援性產業、企業策略、結構與競爭等構面,相較於荷蘭競爭力介於弱勢與普通程度,尤其末端市場之行銷、服務與國際市場推廣能力不足,仍需尋求解決之道;另外,我國缺乏產業內國際專業人才,乃未來國際競爭的一大隱憂,惟加強人才培訓與開拓產業人員之國際觀,將有助於產業之國際競爭力。


According to COA statistics, the export value of orchid industry has reached more than 18 million U.S. dollars in 2000, as the largest world orchid exporting country. Due to the rapid growth, the Phalaenopsis export value reached more than 62 million U.S. dollars which is 56% of the total flower exports in 2009. This study used qualitative analysis by means of Porter Diamond Model including six dimensions (factor of conditions, demand condition, related and supporting industries, firm strategy, structure and rivalry, the role of chance and the role of government) to analyze the Strengths and Weaknesses of production and marketing structure and the competitiveness of the international market in the orchid industry in order to understand our competitiveness in the international orchid industry market. The empirical analysis shows that Taiwan's Phalaenopsis industry has the competitive advantages related to the species diversity and the specific R&D technology of R & D in international markets. We found that the structure dimensions of the production factors, related and supporting industries, firm strategy, structure and competition in Taiwan have relatively between disadvantage and general status than those in Netherlands. Especially, the shortages of marketing, promoting in international marketing is still need to find an efficient solution. Furthermore, the lack of international expertise talent within the industry is also the major secret worry of international competition in the future. Advancing personnel training and creating an international perspective of industry personnel will contribute to the international competitiveness in orchid industry.


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