  • 學位論文


Optimize Equipment and Energy Sustainment of Wastewater Treatment Plant- Chuansing Industrial Area Sewage Treatment Plant

指導教授 : 章日行 王順成




Many countries have been started environmental education because of global warming. Taiwan is also one of them. This research topic is focus sewage treatment plant of central region in Taiwan. The people don't understand how to work and development of sewage treatment plant. The other way is so many equipment is old in the sewage treatment plant, and the other is long distance between sewage treatment plant and city. In view of this, this research is aimed at improving and investigating wastewater treatment plants in the central part of the country. This case example is sewage treatment plant in Chuansing industrial center of central region in Taiwan. This Chuansing sewage treatment plant characteristic is 4 part include industrial culture, painting art, environmental protection and ecological leisure. First is industrial culture: Established a tour of the traditional industries of the surrounding manufacturers, including dyeing and finishing, metal manufacturing, resource recycling, etc. Second is painting art: A total of 10 civil sewage treatment tanks and pools will be introduced into the current creative design to beautifully handle the appearance of the tank and increase public acceptance. Third is environmental protection: Using renewable energy, the water tank power generation system is installed with the water level drop designed by the discharge water channel in the area, and the hydroelectric generator is used to small hydraulic electricity to supply the surrounding night lighting. Finally, is ecological leisure: In this area, there are about 10 kinds of plants such as Hibiscus and Indian almond. The flowers and trees are sparse and green, creating a place to rest. This research uses the existing sewage treatment plant facilities and 3-5 years to improve, re-establish a plant with low carbon and environmental education significance, improve the concept of the wastewater treatment plant, cherish resources into life, and reposition the sewage treatment plant.


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