  • 學位論文


An Evaluation of Core Competencies on Insurance Finance Agents’Performance Based on the Six Sigma

指導教授 : 王言 邱國欽


金融服務業是一國經濟發展中重要的一環,近年來政府為提高台灣國際競爭力,體認到唯有加強發展金融服務業,才能夠提升台灣整體生產力,開創永續發展的新契機,就人才方面,便成為決定改革成敗之重要關鍵,顯示出國內對於人才培育之重視。因此,本研究針對保險金融從業人員對核心能力績效評估之研究,並應用六標準差的改善流程DMAIC(define, measure, analyze, improve, control;簡稱DMAIC)與績效評估矩陣的方法,運用在保險金融從業人員核心能力評量上,藉以檢視保險金融從業人員在職場上核心能力之重要程度與優異程度之間是否存有落差,以提供給予保險公司在提昇及培育保險金融從業人員對於核心能力上,更充分的思考與作為。經由實證分析發現,分別對於個人特質能力、企業觀念化能力及專業技術能力,利用因素分析分別萃取構面,對於所需改善之核心項目,進一步針對個人背景變項(八項)作變異數分析(含事後比較檢定),找出各背景變項之類別指標值較低者(群),作為改善目標對象。而透過績效評估矩陣方法發現,就資源不足區域而言,保險金融從業人員對於團隊合作能力、溝通協調能力、自我學習能力、顧客關係建立及維護能力、產業知識、法律知識、財務規劃能力、金融英語書寫能力、金融英語閱讀能力、金融英語口語表達能力等十項核心項目之重要度認知,相對於實際具備的能力卻不如預期指標,故本研究建議保險公司應將此十項核心項目列為首要加強改善之重點所在。另外,就資源過剩區域中,在挫折管理能力、時間管理能力、壓力管理能力、電腦資訊搜尋能力及電腦資料處理能力,這五個核心要項皆落在優異度高於重視度中,則代表著次要加強的核心要項。但本研究站在保險公司考量成本的情況下,認為資源應當充分利用,因此本研究認為,若不考慮成本因素下,此資源過剩區域的五個核心要項則可考慮保持現狀;相反的在成本有限的資源情況下,則可將過多的資源轉移至資源不足區域的十個核心要項去做適當性的調整或改善。


The financial services industry has been very important for the economic development of a country. The government realized that in order to enhance Taiwan’s international competitiveness, the only method is to improve the development of the financial services industry to increase Taiwan''s overall productivity and create new opportunities for sustainable development. Therefore, the key is to determine the reform to success or failure which the government should think of about the development of talents.   This study is an evaluation to the core competencies on Insurance finance agents’ performance, by using Six Sigma improving process DMAIC(define, measure, analyze, improve, control;DMAIC) and performance evaluation matrix method. It’s to view the difference between importance and excellence of core competence of insurance financial agents’. The purpose is to find the problems of the realization to the core competence of insurance financial agents’. It’s to provide consideration and actions to rise and nurture insurance financial agents’ core competence for insurance company.   For the present situation, we find in this study that, it is very important for insurance financial agents to know very well the ten core abilities including teamwork, communication and coordination, self-learning, making good relationship with customers, industry knowledge, legislation knowledge, financial planning, writing financial English, reading financial English, speaking financial English. However, they are actually not as good as expected, so this study suggested that insurance companies should improve the ten core items.   Besides, there are five core items. Those are frustration management, time management, stress management, computer and information search skills and computer data processing ability situated at the zone that excellent better than importance, it’s means those five core items need improvement but not so urgent. However, this research consider the operating cost of insurance company.This research suggest that enterprises resources should be maximum utilization. Of those five core items have to improve it maybe happen in waste resources. For this reason, this research think enterprises could deliver the program at low cost. If enterprises have enough resources, they could keep existing circumstance. On the contrary, if enterprises do not enough resources, they should transfer redundant resources to the ten core items. Keywords:DMAIC、Core competency、Performance evaluation matrix


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