  • 學位論文

大專籃球選手心理堅韌性、特質性焦慮、壓力因應策略 與運動倦怠之研究

The Study on Mental Toughness, Trait Anxiety, Stress Coping Strategies, and Sport Burnout of College Basketball Player

指導教授 : 楊欽城 柳立偉


摘要 本研究旨在探討大專籃球選手心理堅韌性、特質性焦慮、壓力因應策略及運動倦怠之關係。研究採用比例分層抽樣來進行樣本的施測,針對102學年度參加大專籃球聯賽之選手為研究對象,發放560份問卷,回收520份問卷,剔除無效問卷69份後,得到451份問卷,有效問卷回收率為80.53%。彙整所得資料透過描述性統計、獨立樣本t檢定、單因子變異數分析、驗證性因素分析及結構方程模式分析處理後,得到之結果如下:(一)心理堅韌性部分:以「積極奮鬥構面」之平均數為最高,「抗壓性構面」為最低為最低;特質性焦慮部分:大專籃球選手整體特質性焦慮處於中下程度;壓力因應策略部分:以「針對情緒構面」之平均數為最高,「逃避構面」之平均數為最低;運動倦怠部分:以「情緒與身體的耗竭構面」之平均數為最高,「對運動貶價構面」之平均數為最低;(二)心理堅韌性部分僅「抗壓性構面」、壓力因應策略及運動倦怠在性別達顯著差異;(三)心理堅韌性之「抗壓性構面」及「忍受傷痛構面」、壓力因應策略及運動倦怠之「對運動貶價構面」在參賽組別達顯著差異;(四)心理堅韌性之「抗壓性構面」及「忍受傷痛構面」、壓力因應策略及運動倦怠在每周訓練次數達顯著差異;(五)心理堅韌性、特質性焦慮、壓力因應策略及運動倦怠在每次訓練持續時間皆無差異情形存在;(六)心理堅韌性會正向影響針對問題、針對情緒及逃避,會負向影響運動倦怠;特質性焦慮會負向影響針對問題及針對情緒,會正向影響逃避及運動倦怠;針對問題及針對情緒會負向影響運動倦怠,逃避會正向影響運動倦怠。


Abstract This study was discussed on the relationship among the mental toughness, trait anxiety, stress coping strategies, and sport burnout of college basketball player. This research used proportionate stratified sampling. The data gathered through 102 school year to participate in the college basketball league players. 560 copies of the questionnaires were handed out, Recover 520 questionnaires and were removed after 69 invalid questionnaires, 451 questionnaires were obtained, and the effective response rate was 80.53%. The data were analyzed by descriptive statistics, independent sample t-testing, exploratory factor analysis, one-way ANOVA and SEM. The results were as follows: 1. Mental Toughness part: the mean score of “Positive Effort Facets” is the highest, “Anti-Pressure Facets” is the lowest. Trait Anxiety parts: a whole at the lower level. Stress coping strategies part: the mean score of “Emotional Facets” is the highest, “Escape Facets” is the lowest. Sport Burnout part: the mean score of “Emotional and Physical Exhaustion Facets” is the highest, “Devaluation of Sport Facets” is the lowest. 2. Mental Toughness of“Anti-Pressure Facets”, “Stress Coping Strategies” and“Sports Burnout” have significant difference in gender. 3. Mental Toughness of “Anti-Pressure Facets” and “Endurance Facets”, “Stress Coping Strategies” and “Sports Burnout” have significant difference in competition groups. 4. Mental Toughness of “Anti-Pressure Facets” and “Endurance Facets”, “Stress Coping Strategies” and “Sports Burnout” of “Devaluation of Sport Facets” have significant difference in training frequency of the week. 5. “Mental Toughness”, “Trait Anxiety”, “Stress Coping Strategies”, and “Sport Burnout” have not significant difference in duration of training. 6. “Mental Toughness” could effectively predict of “Stress Coping Strategies”, and “Sport Burnout”; “Trait Anxiety” could effectively predict of “Stress Coping Strategies”, and “Sport Burnout”; “Stress Coping Strategies” could effectively predict of “Sport Burnout”.




