  • 學位論文


Research on the Service Innovation of Life Insurance Industry Based on the Viewpoint of Ethics -- with Cathey Life Insurance as an Instance

指導教授 : 邱文宏




服務創新 倫理學 壽險業


An analysis in such data as acquired from Directorate-General of Budget, Accounting and Statistics, Executive Yuan reveals that the GDP fulfilled by the domestic financial and insurance industries was 6.57% of the national GDP in 2009 in Taiwan and that Taiwan was gradually stepping into the era of the third industry economy which stresses the service industry. This study mainly discusses those issues related to service innovation of the insurance industry based on the analysis structure composed of utilitarianism, deontology, virtue ethics and situation theory. Furthermore, the purposes of this study are as follows: 1. To realize the service innovation profile of the insurance industry through the research on the specific events; 2. To realize the innovation factors through the analysis in the process so as to further provide information for the insurance industry or government in regard to their policy planning. 365 service innovation events are employed for the analysis activity after information selection. Here are the findings of our research and analysis: 1. “Utilitarianism” is employed as the core value and the situation theory as auxiliary tool. 2. The “reciprocal altruism” of deontology increases the support of insurance value. 3. “Standard reinforcement” of virtue ethics becomes the strategy of accomplishing mutual benefit between the enterprise and the customers. 4. The types of insurance in conformity to situation theory expand the opportunity for other insurance categories. 5. The “integrated utility” of utilitarianism will be the thinking direction of the innovative design. 6. With regard to utilitarianism, the reverse tendency between the “value-added utility” which is increasing and the “additional utility” which is decreasing provides reference of design for the insurance companies. 7. The “indemnity” of deontology is one of the services urgently needed for the minority group, more practical than any social welfare. 8. “Social justice” is the innovative service of insurance industry full of the nature of virtue ethics and having infinite boundary utility. 9. The “extension services” and “customized services” of the situation theory satisfy the career planning of the consumers. It is recommended that the government cooperates with insurance companies to set up the compulsory service of support value chain so as to upgrade the quality of combination between medical system and life insurance industry and to benefit the minority group.


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