  • 學位論文


Self-discipline, social support, body mass index, exercise knowledge and self-efficacy related research in Taichung community people.

指導教授 : 黃雅文


隨著社會型態的轉變,根據衛生署國民健康局「國民健康訪問調查」,發現近四成六國人,沒有做運動的習慣,容易伴隨肥胖、心血管疾病及糖尿病等慢性疾病。本研究目的旨在探討社區民眾在自律學習、社會支持、身體質量指數、運動知識、與運動自我效能之關係。 選取台中市某區民眾為研究對象,以問卷方式進行調查,再以SPSS 17.0進行描述性統計、皮爾森積差相關分析及複迴歸分析。在自律學習上平均值為3.13表示大部分民眾會訂定運動目標自律學習。運動在社會支持方面平均值為2.99,大部分研究對象的親人與朋友偶爾會提醒研究對象須做運動。身體質量值數方面平均值為23.27,大多數民眾的身體質量指數落在標準18.5~24標準之內。超過24肥胖之民眾占38.8%,低於18.5體重不足者占7.4%。而在自我效能方面平均值為2.92,民眾在是否有把握做運動方面態度趨中。在運動知識題方面平均值為2.01,民眾在運動知識方面較缺乏。運動自我效能、社會支持與自律學習有顯著相關。經複迴歸分析結果社會支持、自律學習與運動自我效能有19%預測能力。為提升民眾運動自我效能,建議在未來可針對社會支持、自律學習設計教育課程做進一步之實驗介入研究以探討其對運動行為自我效能提升之成效。


According to the Department of Health Statistics in 1999 people reported the top ten causes of death which six of them are associated with obesity. Therefore, the Government has introduced weight loss, and hope that people move through the happy, weight control, to ensure health. This research aims to explore the different body mass index of people in the " exercise knowledge" and "self-discipline", "social support", "self-efficacy" relationship. In this study, we conduct questionnaire survey to collect the information. There are effective samples. The collected data are analyzed by SPSS 17.0 with descriptive statists; the Pearson accumulated rate and regression. In this study, the overweight were 7.4%, obesity 38.8%, standard accounted for 53.8%,; in five-point scale, the subscale "exercise knowledge", "self-discipline ", "social support" and "self-efficacy," the average score of "2.01" "3.13" "2.99" and "2.92"; in the correlation analysis, "social support" and "self-discipline " for " self-efficacy ", with significant correlation (r = 19). The result as follow: (a) subscale "exercise knowledge" has the lowest average score 2.01 points and lower than the 2.5 points, while the " self-discipline " has the highest average scores and higher than 2.5 points. It is recommended to give sufficient time and opportunity to study exercise knowledge is expected to receive higher cognitive knowledge; (b) " self-discipline " the highest average score and has significant positive correlation the "self-efficacy", (r = 19), proposes to give more independent study opportunities, the study is expected to have relatively high self-efficacy, and thus have access to more exercise knowledge.


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