  • 期刊


Revisiting the Environmental Sustainability Index: Taiwan's Scores as an Example


聯合國於1992年各國簽訂之「21世紀議程」第40章裡,明確提出永續發展指標的重要性。各國及相關研究組織於近年來,也發展了相當數量的「永續發展指標」或「永續性指標」。由於現今大部分之指標架構,適用範圍僅限於區域性或國家性,尚無世界各國適用之指標系統,因此世界經濟論壇與相關研究單位,於2000年首度提出「環境永續性指數(Environmental Sustainability Index, ESI)」,針對世界各國家之環境永續性進行研究計算,以作為各國環境永續性評比之依據。我國在2000年、2001年、2002年的排行中,由於該指標計算團隊無法取得足夠之資料,均未被列入全球評分與排行中。我國研究團隊依據ESI團隊公布之資料,與該團隊合作,曾計算出台灣在2001年與2002年之ESI分數與排行,在此二年排行分別為58名與119名。2005年一月,世界經濟論壇(WEF)在瑞士召開年會時,公布了2005 ESI之全球分數與排行,我國首度被列入正式排行名單。然而,根據2005 ESI報告書,在全世界被列入之146個國家中,我國之ESI總分被列為145名。本文簡要回顧世界上較具代表性之永續發展指標系統,亦介紹ESI之特性、發展過程與目標,並說明指標的限制。另一方面,本文亦就2005 ESI中我國分數受到低估之主要因素進行分析,包括指標系統之特性、我國之環境特性與引用環境資訊之不完整等。


Chapter 40 of Agenda 21 published by the United Nations in 1992 noted explicitly the importance of sustainable development indicators. Many countries have, in recent years, developed sustainable development indicators or sustainability indicators. As most of index systems to date are applicable to local, national, or regional use rather than international comparison, the World Economic Forum and other academic institutes proposed the Pilot Environmental Sustainability Index (ESI) that calculates, compares and examines issues related to environmental sustainability. Taiwan had not been included in the ESI reports published in 2000, 2001, and 2002 as the ESI team lacked sufficient reliable data for Taiwan. However, a team of local scholars and a non-government organization (NGO) in Taiwan attempted to contact an ESI team and then work with the team to generate 2001 and 2002 ESI scores and ranks for Taiwan. It was verified by the ESI team that Taiwan should have been ranked 58(superscript th) and 119(superscript th) if it was included in the 2001 and 2002 ESI reports, respectively. In January 2005, the World Economic Forum (WEF) announced its 2005 ESI reports at its annual meeting in Switzerland. Taiwan was officially included for the first time. However, according the report, Taiwan was ranked the 145(superscript th) out of 146 countries; this ranking surprised Taiwan. In this study, principal sustainable development indicators developed to date were briefly examined and development history and major ESI features were introduced. The primary goals, applicability, and limitations of the ESI were also discussed. Furthermore, the principal factors leading to the underestimation of Taiwan's 2005 ESI scores were also analyzed. These factors included the ESI framework, special characteristics of Taiwan's environment, and lack of integration of Taiwan's environmental databases.


Esty, D. C. (edited),P. Cornelius(2002).Why measurement matters.(Environmental Performance Measurement: The Global 2001-2002 Report).
EEA Core Set of Indicators Guides, EEA Technical Report #1/2005
Information for Improving Europe's Environment: Sustainable Development Indicators
IMD(2005).World Competitiveness Yearbook 2005.Switzerland:Lausanne.
Kelly, K.(1998).A system approach to identifying decisive information for sustainable development.European Journal of Operational Research.109,452-464.


