

妊娠瘤(Pregnancy tumor)是懷孕時期特有的良性出血性腫瘤,出現在鼻腔的情形並不多見。多數的鼻妊娠瘤會在懷孕結束後逐漸消退,但某些出血症狀嚴重的鼻妊娠瘤,可能會危及懷孕後期的安全;或鼻妊娠瘤的臨床表現無法排除惡性腫瘤的可能時,則應早期介入治療。我們於近年經歷2例鼻妊娠瘤的病例,其中l名婦女因此出現了繼發陸貧血(secondary anemia)的併發症;提出報告,以供參考。此外,我們認為銣雅鉻雷射在治療此類具有豐富血管特性的病灶上,是非常合適的工具。


Nasal granuloma gravidarum is a rare, benign, and rapidly growing haemorrhagic lesion that arises from the nasal mucosa during pregnancy. The most common presenting symptoms of nasal granuloma gravidarum are unilateral epis taxis and nasal obstruction. The management of nasal granuloma gravidarum depends on the severity of the symptoms and the status of the pregnancy. Nasal granuloma gmvidarum tends to regress spontaneously after delivery. However, a rapidly growing lesion with bleeding may give great concern about malignancy. On the other hand, the haemorrhagic nature of the lesion may result in severe, spontaneous blood loss that may jeopardize the outcome of the pregnancy. For confirming the diagnosis and relieving symptoms, excision with Nd-YAG laser is recommended. We reported two cases of nasal granuloma gravidarum illustrating a classic presentation of this uncommon complication during pregnancy.


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