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Cataract and Refractive Surgery Survey 2007 in Taiwan


目的:為瞭解中華民國眼科醫學會會員們目前白內障及屈光手術執行之普遍程度,新進技術、衛材使用情形,會員對於手術衛材及儀器使用的偏好或看法以及病患服務的質量,以期作為未來學會為會員爭取健保資源及相關政策訂定的依據。 研究方法:研究採用結構式問卷於2007年眼科醫學會期間進行訪查,問卷當中除了個人基本資料外,主要區分二部分,第一部分為會員白內障手術之執行經驗,第二部分為會員屈光手術之執行經驗。問卷資料收集完成後,使用SPSS 14.0 進行統計分析,所有分析方法均以描述性統計(Descriptive Statistics)來呈現。 研究結果:本篇研究對象為1625 位於2007年中華民國眼科醫學會登記有效之眼科醫師,問卷回覆率為39.5%。從回覆的642份問卷中,有73%的回覆醫師從事白內障手術,平均手數量約為13.63台/月,54.5%的醫師使用局部藥水麻醉來進行手術,目前使用自費人工水晶體的比率為≦20%。有25.9%的醫師在從事屈光矯正手術。回覆醫師中,有87.3%曾經或正在從事自費醫療項目。 結論:本次研究是台灣地區近年來首次針對白內障手術及屈光矯正手術服務量所作之問卷調查,可反映出目前眼科該二種手術之概況。




Purpose: This survey was conducted to document the practice styles and preferences of members of the Ophthalmologic Society in Taiwan. Methods: This survey was performed using structured questionnaires distributed during the 2007 Annual Meeting of the Ophthalmologic Society in Taiwan. Besides personal profiles, the questionnaire probed into the practice styles of cataract and refractive surgery. Data collected were transferred into a database for statistical analysis using SPSS 14.0 with results presented in descriptive statistics. Results: A total of 1625 members of the Ophthalmologic Society in Taiwan were enrolled in this study and the response rate was 39.5%. From the valid 642 questionnaires, 73% of the respondents performed an average of 13.63 cataract surgeries per month. During the operation, 54.5% of them adopted local anesthesia by eye drops. Self-paid intraocular lens was used in less than 20% of all operations. Currently, 25.9% of the respondents performed refractive surgery and 87.3% of them provided self-paid medical services. Conclusions: This is the first survey on current practice of cataract and refractive surgery in Taiwan. The results of this survey may help ophthalmologist pick up the trend in the profession and serve as useful references for planning future national health insurance.
