  • 期刊


Relationship Between Goal Congruence and Organizational Commitment of Hospital Middle Managers


Objectives: To understand the relationship between goal congruence and organizational commitment of hospital middle managers, this study conducted a survey research on middle managers and CEOs in selected hospitals. Methods: This study used Meyer & Allen's three-factor organizational commitment questionnaire (affective commitment, continuance commitment, and normative commitment). Absolute difference in organizational goals was also calculated to measure the goal congruence between middle managers and CEOs. Result: Response rates of CEOs and middle managers were 58.7% and 34.2%, respectively after follow-up. This study revealed that the relationship between goal congruence and affective commitments was significant after controlling other variables through multiple regression. The relationship between goal congruence and calculated commitment as well as normative commitment was also positive, but not significant. As for the relationship between control variables and three-factor commitments, there are some interesting findings. Hospital. strategic implementation was significantly associated with three-factor commitments, Hospital ownership was also associated with affective and normative commitment. Moreover. the identity of physician or not and organizational tenure of middle manager had significant associations with calculated commitment. This study showed that middle managers who are non-physicians and higher in tenure tends to have higher calculated commitment. Conclusion: Goal congruence between middle managers and CEOs was associated positively with affective commitment. This implied that CEOs should focus more on how to align goal through better communication and respect for middle managers.


Objectives: To understand the relationship between goal congruence and organizational commitment of hospital middle managers, this study conducted a survey research on middle managers and CEOs in selected hospitals. Methods: This study used Meyer & Allen's three-factor organizational commitment questionnaire (affective commitment, continuance commitment, and normative commitment). Absolute difference in organizational goals was also calculated to measure the goal congruence between middle managers and CEOs. Result: Response rates of CEOs and middle managers were 58.7% and 34.2%, respectively after follow-up. This study revealed that the relationship between goal congruence and affective commitments was significant after controlling other variables through multiple regression. The relationship between goal congruence and calculated commitment as well as normative commitment was also positive, but not significant. As for the relationship between control variables and three-factor commitments, there are some interesting findings. Hospital. strategic implementation was significantly associated with three-factor commitments, Hospital ownership was also associated with affective and normative commitment. Moreover. the identity of physician or not and organizational tenure of middle manager had significant associations with calculated commitment. This study showed that middle managers who are non-physicians and higher in tenure tends to have higher calculated commitment. Conclusion: Goal congruence between middle managers and CEOs was associated positively with affective commitment. This implied that CEOs should focus more on how to align goal through better communication and respect for middle managers.


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胡嬋娟(2007)。員工對組織變革的認知與組織承諾之關係 -以公立醫院改制為例〔碩士論文,臺北醫學大學〕。華藝線上圖書館。https://doi.org/10.6831/TMU.2007.00003
