  • 期刊


Work Stress, Job Satisfaction, Burnout, and Turnover Intentions of Dietitians in Taiwan: Description and Relationship


目標:本研究旨在瞭解台灣營養師工作狀態和離職傾向之現況,並分析其工作狀態和離職傾向之關係。方法:採線上問卷調查,全國共有424名執業中營養師志願參與本研究,研究工具包括「職業壓力指標第二版」和「職業倦怠量表」中文版及個人資料問卷,資料分析方法為描述性統計和多元階層迴歸分析法。結果:(1)營養師工作壓力平均總分為166.3分(SD=31.37),工作滿意度平均總分為43.1分(SD=11.44),職業倦怠表現為高度情緒耗盡(Mean=29.21,SD=10.75)、中度去人格化(Mean=9.09,SD=6.83)和中度個人成就(Mean=34.06,SD=7.80),屬於職業倦怠高危險群;且僅18.9 %營養師從未有離職想法。(2)所有變項可解釋營養師離職傾向之總變異量為44.4%,背景變項、工作壓力、工作滿意度、職業倦怠各子構面在逐層控制下,單獨對營養師離職傾向之解釋力達3.6%、15.6%、23.0%及2.3%,所有預測變項中,以工作滿意度具最大預測力。結論:相較其它職業及國外營養師之研究結果,台灣營養師工作狀態表現相對較差,有鑑於其對離職傾向之重要影響,提升營養師工作滿意度,乃營養師人力資源管理之重要課題。


Objectives: The purpose of this study was to determine the working status and turnover intentions of dietitians in Taiwan, and to analyze the relationship between working status and turnover intentions. Methods: An online questionnaire survey was developed to collect data. Four hundred twenty-four practicing dietitians voluntarily participated in this nationwide study. The instruments which were used included OSI-2, MBI-Chinese, and an individual information questionnaire. Descriptive statistics and multiple hierarchical regression analysis were used. Results: (1) The mean total scores of work stress and job satisfaction were 166.3 (SD = 31.37) and 43.1 (SD = 11.44), respectively. The burnout status of dietitians included a high level of emotional exhaustion (mean = 29.21, SD = 10.75), a moderate level of depersonalization (mean = 9.09, SD = 6.83), and a moderate level of personal accomplishment (mean = 34.06, SD = 7.80); thus, dietitians are at high risk for burnout. Only 18.9% of dietitians never consider leaving their current jobs. (2) Work stress, job satisfaction, and emotional exhaustion were predictors of turnover intention, accounting for 44.4% of total variation (p<.001), while demographic variables, job location, and work setting were not significant predictors of turnover intention. Conclusions: Compared with the results of other studies involving different professionals and dietitians in other countries, the working status of Taiwanese dietitians is poor. In view of the significant impact on turnover intention, there is value in considering how to improve job satisfaction amongst dietitians when planning the responsibilities and staffing of dietitians.


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