  • 期刊


The Influences of Emergency Medical Work Loads and Paramedic Numbers on Emergency Medical Techniques


目的:本研究旨在探討消防人員緊急救護勤務量與高級救護技術員人數對提升緊急救護技術之影響。方法:本研究是採用「類實驗設計」,立意取樣新北市政府消防局之933筆救護普測資料,採複迴歸分析方法建立迴歸模型,進而探討緊急救護勤務量與高級救護技術員人數對緊急救護技術測驗成績之影響。結果:本研究之複迴歸模式為緊急救護技術測驗成績(Y)=97.951-0.035×日平均勤務量(X_1)+ 0.016×EMTP 人數(X_2),可達良好之解釋力,無共線性問題存在,且由殘差分析結果可知,符合常態性與獨立性之判別水準,為最佳迴歸模型。結論:本研究結論有二:(1)降低勤務量可顯著提升救護技術測驗成績,及(2)增加高級救護技術員的人數可顯著提升救護技術測驗成績。本研究之發現可作為未來勤務量調整與高級救護技術員工作單位配置之參考依據。


Objective: The current study investigated the effects of emergency medical loadings and paramedic numbers on emergency medical techniques (EMT). Methods: The study used a quasi-experimental design with purposive sampling approach. Based on 933 emergency medical skill examination scores from the Fire Department of New Taipei City, a multiple regression analysis was applied to build the regression model that describes the relationships of emergency medical loadings and paramedic numbers with EMT. Results: The EMT regression model had good explanatory power and no collinearity problem. This model showed its normality and independence features through the residual analysis. Conclusion: Reducing of emergency medical loadings and increasing of paramedic numbers could improve EMT scores. We recommend changes on working loadings and paramedics' working place according to the results of the study.
