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Relationships among life stress, e-cigarette perceived risk, addiction, and usage among college athletes




Purpose: This study aimed to explore the relationship of college athletes' life stress, e-cigarette perceived risk, and e-cigarette usage. Method: Using snowball sampling via internet survey plate form Qualtrics, questionnaires were distributed to current college athletes containing items measuring life stress, life stress, e-cigarette perceived risk, and e-cigarette usage. A total of 448 usable responses were collected with 58.5% participants were male athletes. In terms of sport activities, 12.7% were baseball, 12.3% were track and field, and 11.2% were basketball. Results: Binary logistic regression showed that college athletes' life stress had no significant relationship with e-cigarette usage, and perceived less addictive was highly related to the likelihood of using e-cigarette. Additionally, spotlight analysis indicated that perceived risk of e-cigarette moderated the relationship between e-cigarette usage and life stress (i.e. interpersonal relationships and sports injury). Conclusion: College athletes' e-cigarette usage is highly related to the perception of e-cigarette being less addictive. Although overall college athletes' life stress does not relate to e-cigarette usage, high level of stress from interpersonal relationships and injuries with low e-cigarette perceived risk may lead to higher possibility of e-cigarette usage. Knowledge regarding e-cigarette risk and addiction should be provided to college athletes to avoid possible harm.


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