  • 期刊


A Fairness Measurement Research on the Base of the Customers' Satisfaction for the Organization Reform of the Government in Taiwan


爲了改善公教退撫基金財務、解決退休所得不合理造成精英人力流失等 問題,政府規劃八五制方案改革退休制度;由於各界對該案預期結果看法不一,遲遲無法形成改革共識,嗣逢「退休所得合理化改革方案」實施引發政 府內部成員強列不滿,紛紛質疑八五制之決策正當性、公平性及效益。此不僅衝擊政府團隊和諧且模糊改革目的,顯然一種能讓各界接受又符合社會期望的改革結果衡量方式乃成爲釐清爭議關鍵。本研究採「整合」觀點,就八五制預期結果效益以實驗心理學「公平衡量」方法建構分析模式,分從政府內部顧客(公教)與外部顧客(民眾)進行實驗、蒐集有關改革案預期結果資訊,將改革案潛藏多元價值與關係人主觀衡量標準有效整合,使內外部顧 客均滿意衡量結果及獲得改革共識。 研究發現民眾與公教人員對八五制改革方案資訊處理模式,在「多元結果」與「人際顯著」情境下係採「不公平整合」及「顯著權重」模式來整合 資訊;在「多人比較」情境下,民眾以「個別比較」、公教人員以「團體比較」模式來整合資訊,兩者明顯不同,差異關鍵在於兩者與八五制利害關係爲「間接」(民眾)或「直接」(公教人員)。本文建議政府在推動改革時 宜針對擬改革案效用值較高且敏感資訊(如公平效益)提高其效用值,使改革貼近關係人需求;在溝通宣導上應明確區分對象分採不同方法,始能釐清爭議及作好組織變革管理。


To decrease the finance burden of pension funds and promote the human resource dissipation of middle aged elite retirement, government plans to adopt ”the 85 pension program” to reform the retirement system of civil servants and educational workers. It appears some cognitive conflicts between the external and internal customers of government, since existed various difference of the anticipated outcomes for the 85 program. Especially, the civil servants and educational workers deep questioned the adequacy, equity and benefit of decision-making of the 85 pension program, therefore, it resulted in extreme boycotts, resistence and handicaps. We take the fairness measurement approach on the base of the customers' satisfaction and social equity to explore the anticipated outcome benefits of the 85 program between the internal and external customers of government. In this way, we constructed an unfairness model to analyze and integrate the implicit-explicit values and multi-criterion of project, in addition, we satisfied the demand of decision-making participation for servants and citizen simultaneously and meet the consensus. We obtain some important findings, it includes: The servants and citizen used the 'averging' model not simple the 'adding' or 'multiplying' while operating. They both used 'the unfairness integration' and 'the salience weight model' to integrate the information while in the multiple outcomes and interpersonal salience situation. Citizen used the individual comparision and servints used the group comparison rule to integrate information while in the multiple persons situation, the key to is the ”stakehold” is direct or indirect. In conclusion, we suggest to increase the utility value that more sensitive information(ex. fairness) and adopt segmentation methods to marketing the 85 pension program.




黃宣榕(2010)。自願退休公務人員月退休金起支年齡延後方案 預評估之研究-以行政院衛生署為例〔碩士論文,國立臺北大學〕。華藝線上圖書館。https://www.airitilibrary.com/Article/Detail?DocID=U0023-2408201019141800
