  • 期刊


Crisis Management in Using News Ticker, "Crawler"




有線電視 跑馬燈 電視鏡面


Cable TV viewers in Taiwan are mostly familiar with the feature of news ticker (sometimes referred to as a ”crawler”). They are used on every TV station in order to attract the audience's attention. The extensive use of the crawler has become one of Taiwan's cable TV special aspects.From 1980's to the early 1990's, the so-called ”Community Antenna” and the illegal cable TV companies (the ”4th Channel”) showed up one after another. Due to the rough construction, poor signal quality and stability, the companies passed the message maintenance via the crawler. After 1993, in order to attract audiences to watch their programs, various news stations relocated the news title into the text as the way they reported the news. Since then, crawlers have been widely used in various news stations. The campaigns of crawlers are still commonly used in the cable television channels until nowHowever, too many text messages across the television screen will affect the audiences' visual attention. Currently, there are several phenomena of the use of n crawler that need to be discussed: for one, the industry is still on the verge of broken law. Second, the TV companies pursuit of commercial interests to attract viewers. Third, the ban of illegal use of crawler is still in a passive attitude. Fourth, the competition between freedoms of the press has peaked to their exaggeration. Finally, audiences are then helpless and forced to accept such phenomena. Besides the competition in business orientation, the TV industry should consider use the feature of crawler in a self-controlled manner, under related regulation. In addition, the regulation unit should also strictly enforce the ”News Ticker Acts” so to give the audience an uninterrupted viewing and clean TV graphics back.


Cable TV crawler TV graphics


維基百科(2010). 字幕跑馬燈, 取自http://zh.wikipedia.org/zh-tw/%E6%96%B0%E8%81%9E%E8%B7%91%E9%A6%AC%E7%87%88
Strauss, Robert. (2001). Tough on the old Ticker? The constant crawl along the bottom of the screen on cable news channels keeps us up to date but may be information overload. What keeps the words rolling along? Los Angeles Times. Los Angeles.
行政院新聞局(2010). 取自http://info.gio.gov.tw//ct.asp?xItem=18637&ctNode=2549
劉力仁|劉榮 (2009). “電視跑馬燈亂花的NCC 要管制,” 自由電子報, 取自http://www.libertytimes.com.tw/2009/new/dec/24/today-life5.htm


