  • 期刊


On the Current Circumstances of China's Hakka Studies




From the state-building to the end of Chinese Cultural Revolution, the People's Republic of China stressed the socialist transformation of society and Chinese cultural revolution. So the cultural tradition and identity of each nation seen as feudalism and separatism were strongly suppressed. Hakka culture and identity were treated as any nation in China equally naturally, making Hakka studies almost a blank.Since the era of post-Chinese Cultural Revolution, two Teachers' Colleges located in Hakka homeland, Guangdong Jiaying Teachers' College and Fujian Longyan Teachers' College had kicked off contemporary Hakka studies since 1984. Under the support and admiration of the Institute of Chinese Historical Studies of East China Normal University, Hakka studies' research methods were constructed, and specific research units were built everywhere and undertook research programs, specific academic journals were founded to provide corners for publishing research. In the meantime, Guangdong Meizhou City led Hakka local authorities to actively involve in promoting Hakka culture, and to organize large-scale international conferences of the Hakka studies.When Lo Hsiang-Lin's Hakka study monumental work Hakka Origins was re-published in mainland China in 1989, trying to build a new paradigm which was focusing on Hakka origin but outside the Central Plains Orthodox which guided the outbreak of the energy of Hakka Studies in the 1990s. Many important academic works were published one by one, forming the framework and morphology of contemporary China's Hakka Studies.However, we also discovered that China's Hakka Studies has rich achievements based on history and ethnology, but China's Hakka Studies circle's interest in Hakka ethnic rights, Hakka governance, cultural industry and local economic issues were less focused. It was inherently affected by contemporary China's Hakka Studies Pioneers' academic training and research orientation, but also with the local Hakka real political and social development which is controlled by the Chinese Communist party-state system. In other words, if the social and! political conditions is not mature for Hakka people to cultivate consciousness and ability to affect Hakka policy making process, the political and economic activities based on Hakka people must be limited, certainly Hakka studies is hard to attract social scientists' interest and engagement.

