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Research of Super Basketball League Team Development- A Case of Taiwan Beer Basketball Team


SBL 超級籃球聯賽的誕生,為國內注入了一股新的籃球熱力。但直至目前文獻較少針對單一球隊的歷史背景、組成文化、以及奪冠心路歷程。本文採用歷史研究法,收集相關的資料加以整理、分析,並從資料中探討台灣啤酒籃球隊在SBL超級籃球聯賽十二年的發展及成功的要素。台灣啤酒籃球隊成立於1968年,創隊最初為「公賣青年」隊,後改名「公賣金龍」隊,培育鄭志龍、朱志清等名將。1999年後為樹立企業形象,再改為「台灣啤酒籃球隊」。在閻家驊教練的執教魅力下,培育出如林志傑、劉錚等國內指標性的球星。超級籃球聯賽十二年來,台灣啤酒籃球隊拿下過四屆總冠軍,現今仍為歷史之最。從研究中發現台灣啤酒籃球隊始終維持戰力不墜的原因有三:第一是來自台灣菸酒公司的全力支持;第二是總教練閻家驊知人善用的執教風格;第三為行銷貼近年輕人,以「態度」為口號讓球員與球迷產生共鳴和球隊凝聚力。最終期盼台灣籃球能夠再度邁向職業化。目前每一年的球季賽場數過少,球員企圖心和進步幅度不足,雖然SBL 以半職業運動著稱,但從經營型態的面向來看,SBL已有成為職業運動的立基,應以職業運動經營型態的方式,走出自我風格,吸引更多球迷及社會大眾的認同。


Recently, there is a fresh basketball impetus in the Taiwan domestic field due to SBL (Super Basketball League) appearing. Until now, a lot of articles or papers are only for research marketing of BK team and complicated process of all League; nevertheless, few person investigate background、culture、history and journey of team life for unitary BK team. This is why I would like to report the specific objective. The article will be used by historical research via ollection of history data、analysis and discussed the team developed process during a 12-years period of SBL. In fact, Taiwan Beer Basketball Team was built in 1968. Frist team is "public sale of youth" team. And then, it was amend "public gold dragon" team, that succeeded in cultivating some famous players like" Zheng Zhi-Long" and "Zhu Zhi-qing". Since 1999, Head officer changed the team name to "Taiwan Beer Basketball" team in order to promote Corporate Image and expected that the plan would make active and younger for team and product. This moment,the team had cultivated Cenozoic superior player by "Yan Jia-hua" coach leading-"Lin Zhi-jie" and "Liu Zheng" for example. Taiwan Beer Basketball" team is always the most powerful competitor in Taiwan domestic basketball market which taken 4 times champion. The goal is no body can do. The reader will understand the team why can be keeping strong in the papers. The main reason is as below. One is TTL support; Two is "Get the right person for the right job" from "Yan Jia-hua" coach; Finally, Marketing strategy is based on "Attitude" as a slogan and let player can be not only closer but also resonated with fans and effect team cohesion. I look forward to Taiwan basketball can be going to the professionalization. Now, I regret to say less and less game in season per year and result in player ambition and progress slowly. From the type of business-oriented point of view,SBL is semi-professional sports and have owned professional level. More importantly, SBL should be issue more professional sports business module、create team self-style and attract more fans and society public recognition.


台灣啤酒籃球隊 (2013)。球隊故事。台灣啤酒籃球隊官方網站。取自http://www.taiwanbeer-sbl.com/TB-01.php
李清棋、劉幼華、林清香、馬樹秀(2010)。97 學年度大專籃球聯賽男子公開組第一級前四名球隊攻守紀錄技術表現之比較分析。文化體育學刊。10,19-26。


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