  • 期刊


Study of Social Participation and Related Factors in Persons with Disabilities


Background: The restricted social participation of people with disabilities often results in reduced physical activity and a loss of vitality.Purpose: This study explores the social participation of the disabled and its correlation with factors including demographics, illness, depression, and social support.Methods: A cross‐sectional study was used and study participants were chosen from 1 medical center, 2 regional hospitals, and 12 long‐term care institutions in Kaohsiung City, Taiwan. Structured questionnaire surveys included scales that gathered data on demographics, depression, social support and social participation. Collected data were analyzed using descriptive and inferential statistics.Results: The results showed that the mean score of social participation for participants was at the middle level (M = 28.38, SD = 7.63). Furthermore, age, living status, education level, and self‐care function (p < .001) correlated significantly with social participation. The most important explanatory factors of social participation among people with disability were live in long‐term care unit, depression, and social support; these factors explained 44.8% of the total variation.Conclusions / Implications for Practice: Study results demonstrate that the social participation of people with disabilities is significantly affected by living in long‐term care institution, having depression, and receiving social support. We suggest that medical and nursing personnel should work to better understand the factors that significantly influence the social participation of people with disabilities and provide timely social support to encourage increased social participation.


失能 社會參與 憂鬱 社會支持


Background: The restricted social participation of people with disabilities often results in reduced physical activity and a loss of vitality.Purpose: This study explores the social participation of the disabled and its correlation with factors including demographics, illness, depression, and social support.Methods: A cross‐sectional study was used and study participants were chosen from 1 medical center, 2 regional hospitals, and 12 long‐term care institutions in Kaohsiung City, Taiwan. Structured questionnaire surveys included scales that gathered data on demographics, depression, social support and social participation. Collected data were analyzed using descriptive and inferential statistics.Results: The results showed that the mean score of social participation for participants was at the middle level (M = 28.38, SD = 7.63). Furthermore, age, living status, education level, and self‐care function (p < .001) correlated significantly with social participation. The most important explanatory factors of social participation among people with disability were live in long‐term care unit, depression, and social support; these factors explained 44.8% of the total variation.Conclusions / Implications for Practice: Study results demonstrate that the social participation of people with disabilities is significantly affected by living in long‐term care institution, having depression, and receiving social support. We suggest that medical and nursing personnel should work to better understand the factors that significantly influence the social participation of people with disabilities and provide timely social support to encourage increased social participation.


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