  • 期刊


Community Capacity and the Key Competencies of Community Workers: Adult Learning Perspectives


社區發展的概念與作法,由聯合國自50年代始在亞非等開發中國家大力推行,但歐盟90年以後所推動的新策略作法與過去並不相同。歐盟國家的作法,乃是在歐盟終身學習的架構中,以「能力」提升爲中心思維,透過個人層次之「關鍵能力」的建構、評量、提升,及至社區層次的「社區能力建構」,來達到從個人到社區之整體能力提昇。在台灣,不少關心社區的社區工作者、成人教育者、文化工作者、總體營造推動者,亦開始有對專業工作者能力、社區能力建構的探討;參考歐盟近提出的理論架構,有助於擴展社區發展組織及實務工作者之專業能力的自我檢核之研究。 本文探析歐盟以成人學習爲觀點的社區能力評估與專業核心能力,進一步與台灣目前的學術、實務發展實況進行討論。分析發現:1.立基於歐盟之成人學習觀點的社區能力指標,具有擴展台灣社區發展實務的具體可行性。2.對於實務工作者能力之提升,可藉由能力面、實務活動面、專業決策思維面三方面界定,深化析見實務工作者可能的改良。此等架構有利於社區發展組織自我檢核及實務工作者之專業化與能力提昇。


The terms community capacity and adult learning have been in use for several decades and refer to different areas within the field of community development and adult education. This paper sets out to explore the relationship between these two concepts. It examines the ways in which adult learning conceptual contributes to the development of community work as an overall system of lifelong education. Recent research from EU on the idea of the learning society points towards a more holistic view of community development and adult learning, which acknowledges ”key competencies” as the core in the strategies toward personal or societal development.The professional development and the improvement of the quality of adult learning staff have been recognized as a priority at European level for the successful practices in lifelong learning and community development. However, in Taiwan there is not always a clear view of the competences needed to fulfill the professional tasks in community development, partly due to the diversity of the field. This research aims to explore the community capacity of a learning community and the competence profiles and standards for adult learning professionals from EU experiences, so as to offer a parallel to consider the construction of community capacity and the competence profiles for community workers in Taiwan. Although their scope of application differs considerably between institutional and professional levels, a study on key competences for adult learning staff offers a perspective from a new angle so as to come up with a set of key competences which can functions as a reference for Taiwan community work research.


