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Study the Electrochromic Properties of Tungsten Oxide Films Prepared by RF Magnetron Sputtering


在本研究中,所使用的電色材料為三氧化鎢電致變色裝置(Electrochromic Device, ECD),其特性是當電致變色物質受到外加電場的影響時,會改變對光的吸收能力,而導致顏色及穿透率的變化且具可逆及持續性。其可應用的範圍相當之廣泛,在使用於節約能源上可扮演一個十分重要的角色,如太陽能板或觸控式螢幕上…等。三氧化鎢相對於其他電色材料(如:氧化釩,氧化鉬…等)有較高的變色效率,所以使用作為本研究對象。本研究將探討,利用陶瓷靶射頻磁控濺鍍法製備三氧化鎢薄膜可望其薄膜特性比傳統金屬鎢靶直流濺鍍法更佳,並在不同參數條件下,對電致變色效應的影響;三氧化鎢膜厚度,濺鍍氣壓與氣氛,濺鍍基板溫度與濺鍍速率。藉由這些探討,找到比傳統直流濺鍍法更佳之濺鍍參數,以期望達到最佳的變色效率。


In this work, we study the electrochromic properties of tungsten oxide films prepared by RF magnetron sputtering on ITO glass substrate. The tungsten oxide films have the large application potential for the Smart window, green energy, and touch display panel. The structure property, oxygen contents, and the correlation between the electrical and optic properties of tungsten oxide thin films were investigated under various annealing gases. The experimental results will show that the tungsten oxide films have the great potential for the fabrication a multilayer electrochromic device.