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Development of a Chinese Internet Addiction Scale and Its Psychometric Study




This paper reports the results from two waves of studies on the development of Chinese Internet Addiction Scale (CIAS) and its revision (CIAS-R). Based upon conceptual framework adapted from other traditional addiction disorders such as pathological gambling and substance addictions, the tendency of Internet addiction was characterized with two aspects of behavioral manifestation: ie., core symptoms and related problems. In study 1, the original items of the CIAS depicting core symptoms and related problems of Internet addiction were generated through focused interview and derived from the diagnostic criteria of other well-defined addiction disorders. The CIAS, background questionnaire eliciting data on basic demographics, weekly on-line hours, habitual domains, and experience of Internet utilization were administered in a traditional paper and pencil manner to a random sample of National Taiwan University students (N = 1336). Factor analysis, correlation analysis, and t-test were utilized to analyze the data. Results show that: The CIAS is an appealing and reliable test with satisfactory test-retest reliability and internal consistency. Correlation analyses yield significant positive correlation of total scale and subscale scores of CIAS with weekly Internet hours, but not with experience of Internet utedilization. Moreover, high-risk students show different attitudes toward Internet use and addiction from normal students. In study 2, the CIAS-R, with modification of item wording as well as addition and elimination of some items, were administered to another sample of random subjects at the National Taiwan University (N = 1975). Same procedure and analyses were applied. It resulted in a better factor structure with similarly satisfactory psychometric properties. Future research concerning scale revision as well as possible psychopathological approach to Internet addiction were discussed accordingly.


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