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On the Intergenerational Transmission of Parental Education and Learning Achievement to their Children: A Study based on Taiwan Data




Utilizing more efficient estimators from quantile regression models and the reactions in quantile of the whole distribution, we analyze the systematic differences in intergenerational education correlations across the conditional quantiles of pupils' test scores. The key question is whether the bottom of the test score distribution looks different than the top. Our empirical evidence indicates a strong intergenerational transmission of educational inequalities between parental education levels and junior and senior school pupils' learning achievements. Parents with higher education affects pupil's learning in significantly positive ways. The differentials in senior and junior high school pupils' score distribution are positively associated to their father's education. Although these differentials persist in the high tail of these pupils' score distribution, there is convergence in the high tail of junior high school pupils' score distribution. The mother's education has a significantly higher influence on the learning distribution of junior high school pupils' score. By contrast, a father's education has a stronger impact on the learning distribution of senior high counterparts. Given a father, with the same education, a mother significantly and positively affects both junior and senior high school pupils' mathematics scores in the high end of the distribution.


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