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The study of human - computer dynamic structure relationship in new media interactive installations


本研究以唐.伊德(Don Ihde)科技現象學的「人-科技」關係理論作為方法論,並且擴及相關現象學和詮釋學理論觀點來形成研究脈絡,以「知覺」與「身體活動」的觀點,探析新媒體藝術創作與論述,提出四種人機動態結構的必要性,同時以國內外互動裝置作品為例證,分析作品中所具有的新媒體互動裝置的人機動態結構,提供新媒體藝術創作者以科技現象學觀點,構思互動裝置中的互動程序和動態系統創作架構的可能性,此為研究之主要貢獻。


This study relied on the Human - Technology Relations Theory of Don Ihde's Phenomenology of Technology as the methodology, and expanded to the related concepts of Phenomenology and Hermeneutics Theory to formulate its research context. Moreover, based on the idea of perception and bodily activity, the creativity and discourse of new media art were explored. This thesis proposed the necessity of these four types of human - computer dynamic structures. In addition, based on the examples of domestic and international interactive installations, this study performed analysis on the human - computer dynamic structures of new media interactive installations. The purpose, which is also the main contribution of this thesis, is to provide new media artists with possibilities when envisioning an interactive installation, including its interactive procedures and dynamic system creative structures.
