顧客至上是服務業一貫的態度,餐飲業者以提供高品質服務,並達到顧客高滿意度為管理目標。然而,服務員親切地寒喧,可能造成某些顧客覺得沒有私人用餐空間,或當主管出面為失誤道歉,會使某些已不在意的顧客有尷尬的感覺。這些超乎顧客期望的服務,可能使其對服務產生負面認知,而此類負面認知亦為服務失誤。服務品質的研究多著重於提升服務水準,改善低於期望的失誤,而未談及超乎期望之服務失誤。本研究試圖了解服務品質超越期望,卻使顧客產生負面認知之服務,亦「過度服務」。 本研究運用關鍵事件法,從顧客觀點探討餐廳所提供之過度服務,並了解顧客感受過度服務之後的抱怨行為、口碑行為、以及再購意願。於電子佈告欄(BBS)中與餐飲及服務相關的看板發佈問卷連結的文章,同時寄發信件邀請曾於BBS發佈關於餐旅服務、餐飲食記及餐旅教育文章的網友填答問卷。共回收266份有效問卷,得到351件事件,並歸納出過於頻繁、過於迅速、過於留意、過於修飾、過於熱情、過於在乎及過於詳盡七大過度服務類型,並且發現約有36%的顧客認為過度服務的經驗使他們不再到該家餐廳用餐。而接受過度服務之顧客僅約14%會提出抱怨。
Nowadays, service industry is customer driven. To provide high service quality that satisfies costumers is hospitality industry’s priority. However, service provider greets kindly may make customers feel no privacy. Or manager apologizes for the failure may make customers who already don’t care the mistake feel embarrassed. These services that exceed customers’ expectation may result negative perception of service quality. And this is so-called service failure. However, researches about service quality focused on preventing the service failures that not exceed customers’ expectation. Therefore, this research attempts to explore “over-service” which is the services that exceed customers’ expectation and do result negative perception of service quality. This research applied Critical Incident Technique to explore the concept of over-service in hospitality industry from customers’ point of view. Moreover, it identified complaint behavior, negative word-of-mouth and the repurchase intention of customers who experienced over-service. It post the questioner hyperlink article on the discuss boards of Bulletin Board System (BBS) which related to F&B and service. Meanwhile, the author sent e-mails to those who has post article about hospitality, F&B experience and hospitality education to ask them fills in the web-based survey. Though the 266 valid questioners, there was 351 critical incidents been found. And this research categorizes over-service into seven types which include service too frequently, service too quickly, pay too much attention on customer, polish too much on the service performance, treat too passionately, care too much about customer and offer too detailed service. It found out that there are 36% of respondents will not dine in the restaurant again and only 14% of respondents will make a complaint when encounter with over-service.