  • 期刊


Relationships between Individual Zone of Optimal Functioning Model and State Anxiety Directionality, Athletic Performance


目的:主要是探討(一)認知和身體焦慮、皮質醇指標在個人最佳功能區域時與運動表現的關係;(二)個人最佳功能區域與焦慮方向性之間的關係;(三)身體焦慮和皮質醇指標的關聯。方法:參與者為男性空氣槍射擊選手13名,記錄每個人11次模擬比賽,每次40 發的10公尺射擊成績。於每次模擬比賽前20分鐘採集唾液樣本,並填寫競賽狀態焦慮量表二版修正版。結果:不同認知和身體焦慮區域組合,以及不同認知焦慮和皮質醇指標區域組合在表現上並無交互作用,但是在最適當認知焦慮功能區以下時有較佳射擊成績。而個體於最適身體焦慮功能區以下及區域內時,傾向於將身體焦慮狀態解譯為有利於運動表現。另外,競賽前唾液皮質醇濃度和身體焦慮則呈正相關。結論:研究發現並未符合最佳功能區域假說的預測,對射擊選手而言,較低的認知焦慮水準比區域內的水準會有較佳成績表現。而身體焦慮落入最佳功能區內或在區域以下時,對身體焦慮的解釋是傾向於有利性,證明最佳功能區域與焦慮方向性理論似乎具有適度的關聯性。最後,技能較高的選手對身體焦慮知覺較為敏銳,主觀知覺與生理指標方向較為一致,有利於自我調控以符合比賽要求。


Purposes: (a) to examine the differences on shooters' performance between the different zones of somatic anxiety, cognitive anxiety scores, as well as salivary cortisol, (b) to investigate the relationship between individual zone of optimal functioning (IZOF) model and the directionality hypothesis, and (c) to explore the association between cortisol and somatic anxiety. Methods: Thirteen elite male pistol shooters were divided into several small groups in accordance with their respective performance levels. Then, 11 simulation competitions with 40 shots in a distance of 10 meters were recorded. Meanwhile, all the participants completed the modified Competitive State Anxiety Inventory-2R along with their salivary sample gathered 20 minutes prior to each competition. Results: There was no interaction between the different combinations of somatic anxiety and cognitive anxiety, as well as between those of cognitive anxiety and salivary cortisol on performance. However, participants performed best while their cognitive anxiety fell below the IZOF. In addition, these players tended to interpret somatic anxiety as facilitative while they were performing with somatic anxiety within or below the IZOF. Moreover, a moderate low correlation was found between somatic anxiety and cortisol concentration. Conclusion: The findings show little support to the hypothesis of the IZOF model, in which the best performance occurs while cognitive anxiety falls below the zone instead of within the zone. Then, an adequate relationship between the IZOF model and the anxiety directionality hypothesis is revealed. Finally, high skill athletes are likely to be sensitive to their physical condition, which helps them regulate themselves to meet competitive demands.


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