  • 會議論文


Folk Custom Activity and Recreation Industry Developing-The Example of Tong Kong Ceremony of the King-Ship


本研究目的是探討舉辦東港王船祭活動對於當地的遊憩發展的影響。以東港鎮商家和居民100人(男45、女55)為研究對象,以結構性問卷為研究工具,進行問卷調查。資料處理以spss for windows 11.5版進行描述性統計和單因子變異數分析。結果發現:1.男性居民對於舉辦東港王船祭的活動可以提升藝文活動和增加東港觀光的認知度比較女性高。30歲以上的居民和平均月所得在五萬至七萬的居民對於東港王船祭歷史由來較清楚。2.男性居民對於活動舉辦時,在外地會特地趕回來、參與每一次活動的參與認同度比較女性高。平均月所得在七萬以上的居民對於活動是基於好奇和打發個人時間的參與認同度最高。3.男性居民對舉辦活動可以帶動起東港的知名度的影響程度比較高,女性居民認為政府部門對交通疏散的配套措施影響程度較男性高。建議:1.加強地區的鄉土文化教育。2.強化政府部門與內部組織的溝通管道。3.加強民眾對活動的參與認同感,認知度。4.政府部門對於活動的周邊的遊憩設施應妥善規劃。


The purpose of this study was to research the influence of Tong Kong ceremony of the king -ship activity for local development to probe into. The object were the town trade company of Tong Kong and 100 residents (male 45, Female 55), regard structural questionnaire as and study tools, carry on questionnaire investigation. The data were analyzed using describing statistics and one-way ANOVA by SPSS for windows 11.5 software.We found: 1.most men think this activity could raise art and culture, and increase visiting in other places. 30 years old residents and 50,000 to 70,000 monthly income residents know the history better than others. 2. Men residents had more cognition degree about that will come back, participate in the activity each time and in other places when running the activity. Residents of the average monthly income above 70,000 are on the basis of cognition degree with the participation which sends personal time highest curiously to the activity. 3.men residents, to holding influence degree that the activity can drive popularity higher, women residents think that the supplementary measure influence degree that the government department evacuates to traffic is relatively high. Propose: 1. strengthen native soil culture and education of the area. 2. Strengthen the communicative channel that government department and inside organize. 3. Strengthen people's participation in activity and approve the sense, cognition degree. 4. Government department peripheral to visit rest facility should appropriate planning to activity.
