  • 期刊


An Emergency Care Experience for a Patient with Ischemic Stroke Receiving Thrombolytic Treatment




This paper describes the emergency care experience for a patient with ischemic stroke receiving emergent thrombolytic treatment within 3 hours of a stroke occurrence. The nursing period was from 9:14 to 14:10 of July 11, 2014. With the Gordon's 11 Function Health Patterns assessment tool, the author collected data through physical assessment and examination, patient observation, and patient interview. The three major identified nursing problems were altered tissue perfusion associated with blockage of blood flow in the brain, anxiety associated with hospitalization secondary to the acute ischemic stroke, and caregiver role tension associated with a lack of care experience and the unpredictable prognosis of disease. The author encouraged the patient to express all inner feelings, and the author built a good relationship with the patient and primary caregiver. With the provision of a health education CD, the patient and caregiver understood strokes better and the advantages and disadvantages of thrombolytic treatment, further relieving their anxiety. With consent, the patient received thrombolytic treatment within three hours after the stroke, successfully overcame the impacts of the disease, regained daily self-care abilities as soon as possible, and reduced the burden of the primary caregiver. We hope to share this nursing experience as a reference for nurses caring for similar patients.


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