  • 期刊


A Study of Leadership Behaviors for Instructors of Physical Education Section in Army Infantry School




Decision making model of a leader makes the strengths of an organization. Moreover, behavioral tendencies and decision making strategies of a leader are highly relative to success. However, an unexceptionable leadership behavior model is according to the personal characteristics which have to be shaped by learning and modifying repeatedly rather than innate. Since the troops are fully in charge of homeland defending, decision making of all-level leaders in the military is absolutely associated with national security. Therefore, cultivating a considerate and intelligent leader is not only the responsibility of instructors in all military training school but the importance of this study. The instructors of the physical education (PE) section in the Army Infantry School (AIS) not only have to instruct the PE cadres in physical training and combat capability, but also take in charge of promotion of physical fitness test in the military. This study is aimed to discuss 3 dimensions which include ”Transformational Leadership Model”, ”Transactional Leadership Model”, and ”Parental Leadership Model” from the instructors of the PE section in AIS with enhancing the performance of instruction and whole training consequences. Furthermore, this study will also provide the contemporary enlightenment and creative perspectives of leadership and develop all PE cadres gradually into professional instructors and prominent leaders by evaluating pros and cons from the instructors of PE section, training facilities, instruction materials, and designated situations in AIS.


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