  • 期刊


A Study of the Adjustment of Rural Elderly


本研究的研究目的在瞭解農村老人的日常生活情形,探討其在生活上遭遇的問題及調適之道。本研究發展農村老人生活調適測量工具,包括社會調查問卷及深入訪談大網,藉以蒐集農村老人的相關量化、質化資料,分析農村老人生活調適情形。另深入訪談農(漁)村老人36位、志工9位、家政指導員10位、農政單位家政專家5位。 研究發現,農村老人平日生活規律,多半早睡早起。比較而言,男性老人顯然比女性老人睡得好。在體力、胃口、配偶的、子孫的都有。自己身體不好,病痛纏身最難過。老伴過世、白髮人送黑髮人最無奈和感傷。子孫不肖,家人不和是家門大不幸。剛遭遇變故時,常難以接受,但經過一段時日後,會慢慢接受事實,會堅強起來,畢竟日子依然是要過下去的。有的老人經歷喪偶、喪子之痛,傷心難過之後,體會人生就是如此,對生老病死逐漸看淡,覺得許多事上天自有安排,不能強求。 研究發現,受訪老人平日的心情不錯,但表示現在有煩惱的約有二分之一弱,不少人會因此睡不著覺、吃不下飯。最近一年來,約有三分之一的老人曾碰過令他們很難過、傷心的事。這些事如天災、人禍、經濟等。農村老人常常會擔心的前三項事依序是:老與病、老伴離開、老病沒人照顧。 八成以上老人存有老本。九成的人有老友。六成五的老人目前有老伴且多數與老伴同住。有一成二的受訪老人表示已為老年做好準備、三成的人認為不必準備。男性比女性較有準備。有二分之一強的老人表示自已既健康又快樂。健康但不快樂的人約有一成、不健康但快樂有三成、既不健康又不快槳的有一成。男性老人既健康又快樂的比女性老人多,不健康又不快槳皂比女性老人少。不少老人表示老人有可能活得既健康又快樂,他們並提出健康快樂之道。 根據研究發現,本研究針對農村老人、老人家屬、社會大眾、政府及老人福利工作有關人員提出建議。


農村老人 生活調適


The purpose of this study is to understand the daily lives and activities of the rural elderly. The problems met in their daily activities and also how to adapt them. We do questionnaire and also deep individual interview according to the focus interviewing ourlines and try to collect the related qualitative and quantitative data about their adaptation to the daily lives. We find the daily activities and lives of the rural elderly are regular. The majority of them get up early and fall into asleep early. The old men get better sleep than the old women. There were many uncomfortable and or sad events in the lives. Some are personal, some related to their spouses, and some related to the young generations. The problems affect their physical activities, and also affect their mood. The poor health and pain related to illness, the death of the spouses, and the death of young members of the family are most affectivre and depressed to the elderly. They are hardly accepted at its early days after occurrence, but they become calm and gradually accepted these facts. They may become strong and feel better. They say they must be cool down and calm down. Many things run quite naturally. They have nothing to argue with their lives. The mental and the emothional status of the elderly is not bad. Less than one half of the elderly experience some kinds of mental problem(troubles),which may be resulted in poor sleep, poor appetite and poor temper. The old women show more frequent occurrence of insomnia and poor appetite. More than 80%elderly saving for their later living expenses, 90%elderly have old friends, 65% elderly live with their spouses. 12%elderly have already prepared for future lives, 30% elderly do not agree with the necessity of this preparation. The old men are much better prepared than the old women. More than one half of the rural elderly express they are healthy and happy. About 10% elderly say they are healthy and not happy. About 30% elderly say they are happy but not healthy. 10%elderly say they are not happy neither healthy. The proportion of both happy and healthy people is higher in the old men than that in the old women. About 70% elderly say it is possible to become happy and healthy. They have their personal ways to get health and happiness. We make recommendations for the life care of the elderly, instruction for their family, suggestion for the persons living in the same society, directions and key points of care for the policy makers in the government and social workers. Through their effort, we may improve our quality of social care.


rural elderly adjustment in living


