  • 期刊


Taiwan Female Physical Education in School in the Era of Freeing Foot Binding: A Perspective from the 1916 Taisouka Curriculum Research Committee Report


臺灣總督府於1914 年12 月15 日起,著手制訂符合臺灣情況之第一部府定體操教科書,在歷經一年半的調查,終將結果於1916 年7 月20日彙整為〈體操科教授要目取調委員報告書〉。值得關注的是,編纂時間點正好橫跨臺灣社會解纏足運動風氣高漲氛圍中,及臺灣總督府採用公權力正式禁止纏足之時期。因此,1916 年〈體操科教授要目取調委員報告書〉中的教材選取與內容編排,多少應該可以反應出禁止纏足後,臺灣女子體育的變遷歷程。經考察過後,且從臺灣總督府表明無須顧慮纏足之思維與報告書所呈現的內容中可窺知,1916 年的臺灣女子體育絕對無法如臺灣總督府所設想的一樣,立即從天然足與解纏足並存的現象,翻轉到純天然足世代的教學環境,相信這可能必須歷經一段時間的沉靜與消化。另一方面,1916 年〈體操科教授要目取調委員報告書〉的編纂提出,亦是反映出臺灣女子體育在歷經摸索、實驗、確立時期後,正式宣告臺灣女子體育教學朝向天然足世代邁進的結果。


女子體育 日治時期 纏足 體操科


The Governor-General of Taiwan began to establish the first official version of taisou (gymnastic) textbook that fits with the local condition in Taiwan from Nov. 15th, 1914. After a one and half yearlong investigation, the final result was published as the taisouka curriculum research committee report in July 20th, 1916. It is worth noting that, the editing period of this text book right came across from the time that the bound foot liberation movement reached its peak in Taiwan society, and to the period that the Governor-General of Taiwan officially announced the banning of foot binding. Through examining the teaching material and content of taisouka curriculum committee report, the changing trajectory of Taiwan female physical education after banning of foot binding is therefore reflected. After reviewing the content of this textbook, and also learning from Governor- General of Taiwan identified its clear opposition towards foot binding, the actual scenario of Taiwan female physical education in 1916 was obviously different from the presumption of Governor-General of Taiwan. From a coexisting of liberated foot binding and natural foot society, this study believes this process must have taken some time to reach a fully natural foot teaching environment. Meanwhile, the publication of this report also indicates that after different phases of researching, experimenting, and assuring, the Taiwan female physical education has finally moved into the era of natural foot.


〈中学校教諭池田初雄体操科教授要目取調委員被免〉,《臺灣總督府公文類纂》,1915 年4 月1 日永久保存第四卷。
〈中学校嘱託新沼佐助体操科教授要目取調委員被命〉,《臺灣總督府公文類纂》,1915 年4 月1 日永久保存第四卷。
〈本島女生の昨今 國語附屬女學校〉,《臺灣日日新報》,1911.11.01,3版。
〈生徒募集〉,《臺灣總督府報》,1919.03.31,1795 號。
〈生徒募集〉,《臺灣總督府報》,1919.04.24,1815 號。
