  • 期刊


The Development of a Heuristic-based Excel Scheduling Support System for ICU Nurses


排班是護理人力管理功能之一,對管理者而言是一項經常性、繁瑣且費時之工作。而當考量到新一代員工自我權益意識抬頭,排班尚須讓員工參與排班管理時,此工作挑戰性更高。雖然,目前並不乏護理人員電腦排班之相關研究,然而,能提供實際臨床排班之排班系統則仍未成熟。本研究便是介紹藉由實際排班的「經驗法則」,透過利用資訊工具由護理人員自行開發之自動排班系統。 系統的開發是以台北某醫學中心擁有35名護理人員之兒童加護病房為對象,以經由成員共識法所產生之排班原則為依據,架構排班系統操作流程。系統開發採用Microsoft Excel 2000與其內建之VBA工具,由受過VBA課程訓練之護理人員進行開發。評估比較以人工作業所排定之月班表與系統排班表在符合護理人員排班喜好上之差別。 排班系統產生功能包括:1.護理人員個人要班功能;2.自動排班功能;3.排班調整功能;4.列印;5.查詢等五大功能。研究結果亦顯示,護理人員自動排班系統可提升護理人員要班需求之滿足,增加排班公平性,節省管理者排班時間;此系統在自動排班費時1-2分鐘,排班的完成率約可達96%,剩餘的部分再由人工方式調整,可於半小時內完成。但比較傳統由經驗豐富之護理長人工排班每次所需4-5小時,成效上相當可以接受。更重要的是,此系統亦同時滿足護理人員的個人期望。另外,系統提供之各項排班統計資訊,未來尚可廣泛的拓展於病室管理相關之行政業務。


Nursing scheduling has been a very critical and time-consuming human resource management responsibility for head nurse. This task becomes even challenging because of nurses' rising consciousness of their own rights and their requests to get involved during the scheduling process. Though there have been studies in nursing scheduling, it seems that clinically practical support tool has not been matured yet. This paper was to report such a nurse-self-made, heuristic-based nursing scheduling support system. A Pediatric ICU unit, staffed with 35 nurses, of a medical center in Taipei was used for this study. A survey for the preferred scheduling principles was taken form all nurses to decide the scheduling heuristics, which were then encoded on Excel 2000 with VBA. The program was developed by a nurse who was trained with VBA programming and familiar with the problems of scheduling. The monthly scheduling plans by the old and new approach were compared in terms of their meeting with nurses' preferred scheduling principles. There support system was composed of five functions: setting for personal scheduling requests, auto-scheduling, shift modification, report printing and inquiry. The results showed that the system could complete around 96% of shifts. Another 4% could still be easily done manually in less than half hour. Compared to, averagely, 4-5 hours were needed in the past for an experienced head nurse to finish the scheduling plan, the system performance is satisfying. More importantly, the system generated monthly plan could well meet nurses' personal expectations. Furthermore, the system could provide many scheduling statistics to support advanced nursing human resources management.


