  • 期刊


LiuXiang's Collation of XiaoJing


《孝經》流傳漢代,受到關注的有十八章本和二十二章本兩種。向來,學術界習慣稱十八章本為《今文孝經》,二十二章本為《古文孝經》,但是這種幾乎被定型了的說法,其實很有問題。一個很重要的原因是由於後世對劉向刪繁《孝經》其事不了解,從而錯誤沿用《漢書‧藝文志》對《孝經》今古文的說法。經過本稿的考察,澄清以下幾點: 第一,前漢朝廷官學傳授的《孝經》是被經學博士用隸書寫定的十八章本,其與出自孔壁被獻上朝廷藏於祕府的二十二章古文字本《孝經》,作為漢代官方藏本,成為劉向取以整理《孝經》的基礎文本。至於在民間流傳的十八章本及二十二章本《孝經》,則各自都有今文、古文的版本。 第二,劉向所定本為《古文孝經》,其對《孝經》的整理,是作為其校書的一環,立意在於改善前漢抱殘守缺的今文經學。 第三,六朝隋唐時期,《鄭注孝經》與《古文孝經孔氏傳》爭立博士。當時學者不查《鄭注孝經》乃經文取自劉向本《古文孝經》,遂以分章十八而將之歸為《漢書•藝文志》所云「十八章《今文孝經》」,於是產生《孝經》「凡十八章則為今文」的觀念。


XiaoJing's 18 chapters edition and 22 chapters edition were the center of public attention in Han Dinasty. The 18 chapters edition has been called Jinwen-XiaoJing, while the 22 chapters edition has been called Guwen-XiaoJing in the academic world. But there are some problems about these two names which fell into a pattern. The biggest reason is people in later time did not know that XiaoJing was collated by LiuXiang. This paper clarified three points as below. First of all, XiaoJing spread by QianHan imperial government was the 18 chapters edition written in Lishu by JingxueBoshi. This edition as well as the old character's XiaoJing composed with 22 chapters which owned by imperial library were the base for LiuXiang to collate XiaoJing. Secondly, the decided edition made by LiuXiang was Guwen-Xiaojing. LiuXiang's collation of XiaoJing was part of the proofreading and the aim of it was to approve the mistakes in Jingwen-XiaoJing during QianHan. Thirdly, XiaoJing competed with Guwen-Xiaojing-Kongzhuan for being the national teaching material in LiuchaoSuiTang period. During that time, scholars did not know ZhengZhu-XiaoJing came from LiuXiang's Guwen-XiaoJing. Because ZhengZhu-XiaoJing was composed with 18 chapters, it was considered to be 18 chapters in Jinwen-Xiaojing which was mentioned in Hanshu-Yiwenzhi. Therefore, a concept of ”any kind of 18 chapters edition is Jinwen-XiaoJing” came afterwards.


漢 桓譚(1967)。新論。上海:上海人民出版社。
漢班固、唐 顏師古校(1962)。漢書。北京:中華書局。

