  • 期刊


Analysis of On-Duty Air Attendants Administering Proper Emergency Procedures in Taiwan


空中交通對現代人而言是非常普遍的,在講救效率的今日,無論國內外往返,人們多優先選擇快速便捷的飛機,飛行旅途中之舒適與保健更應受到重視。有空中常見發如高山症、氣喘、心臟病發、猝死,甚而急產等緊急狀,若無適當之緊急醫療處理,易造成不可逆的傷害或者是死亡。由於一般飛機上並無醫護人員之配置,空服員的緊急救護訓練就顯得格外重要。然而國內外有 關空服員緊急救護之練情形與實際執行情形,以及其僚相關的研空甚少。為探討空服員緊急救護練情形及執勤時遇緊急狀況是否有能力或意願執行緊急救護,本研研以台灣某航空公司之空服員為研空對象,利用問卷進行訪談調查。問卷內容包括各種急救技術之訓練情形,空服人員執行緊急救護的意願相關因素,及對於緊急救護之感想與建議。結果顯示只有19%的空服員導願意將全部所學用於機上旅客;77%的人則表示有的技術願意做,有的不願意做。其中大多數願意做的急救技術為:給氧氣(87%)、CPR(84%)、受傷之固定(79%)及哈姆立克急救法(70%);而大多數人不願意做的急救技術為緊急生產(69%)。不願意做的原因多數為不會做(49%)及自信心不足(43%)。執行意願與性別、有無接受複訓及自覺訓練時數足夠與執行意願呈正相關;與年齡、初訓距今多久、初訓與複訓授課單位及複訓次數呈負相關。此外,受訪的空服員建議如要改進現況,增進空服員執勤時實施緊急救護之意願及熟練於急救技術之應用,相關人員在設計急救課程時,應考慮增加實際練習(或操作)的經驗、複訓的次數及訓練的時數並製作可隨身攜帶的急救手冊等。


航空 訓練 急救技術


Air transportations is quite popular with today’s busy life style, because it is more time-saving and efficient than other transportation tools. Airline safety deserves more attention as more people are choosing aircraft for traveling. If medical emergencies, such as “high altitude syndrome”, “asthma”, “acute mycardial infarction”, or “sudden death”, are not properly dealt with , the result could be disastrous. As a result, appropriate training to handle these situations should be an essential element in an airline attendant’s training sessions. However, literature regarding the administration, willingness, and training of emergency procedures by airline attendants is scarce. Focusing on the airline attendants’ perspective, we conducted a study to analyze the training of emergency procedures, and the willingness to administer these procedures during a real occurrence. Questionnaire were given to the ariline attendants afetr a four-hour retraining course on the emergency procedures, and the respondents were asked to return the questionnaires after twenty minutes. The contents of the questionnaires included the training situations of all emergency techniques and procedures, the willingness to practive the procedures, relation factors and how they thought aobut the training and suggestions. Ther result shouwed that only 19%of airline attendants were willing to practice any emergency procedure when there was the need. Seventy-seven percent responded that they were willing to perform some procedures, but not all. The majority of procedures they were willing to per form were oxygen supple (87%), CPR(84%), fixation(79%), and the Heimlich maneuver(70%). Sixty-nine percent of the airline attendants were reluctant to per from an emergency delivery. The reasons behind their reluctance to per form an emergency procedure was chiefly “don’t know how to do (49%)” and “lack of confidence(43%)”. The positive factors that affect the willing to practice the procedures were sex, acceptance of retraining or not and to consider the length of training is not enough. The negative factors were age, how long from first training, the unit of first or continuous training and the frequency of retraining. To sum up , we recommend: (1) an increase of hands –on experiments, (2) to increase the length and frequency of emergency training, and (3)produce an emergency booklet for attendants to carry with at all times.


airline training emergency procedure


