  • 期刊


The God of Wealth Temple's Virtual Reality Navigation System in Taiwan with Google Map


720度虛擬實境是時下最先進的導覽技術,全域的景觀視野,極適合室內外展現導覽,讓觀看者透過網路如臨現場。此技術適用於各行各業,可大幅提高網頁品質及塑造公司形象,有利和客戶之互動,而此技術之實施步驟如后:1、使用專業相機及全景攝影雲台配合魚眼鏡頭攝製各場景之全景圖所需之21張高動態範圍HDR影像(環場每60度各3張,天頂3張);2、進行影像接合工作。接合原則為參考各張影像之明顯控制點進行矩形球面投影全景影像接合作業;3、由於矩形球面投影全景影像正下方為三腳架放置的位子,故將其轉換為立方體全景圖,以進行影像修補工作及整體影像亮度、色相、飽和度調整;4、利用Google Maps API來把Google所提供的地圖服務內嵌到實景導覽系統中,並將座標定位至你所要標記的地點;5、利用Action Script 3.0程式語言及PV3D技術撰寫程式,完成虛擬實境導覽畫面。目前成果已發佈於:http://www.2666.idv.tw展示,歡迎上網查看,此為結合Google Map及景點實景導覽之實體成果,導覽中亦展示各景點之特色說明及其多媒體視訊介紹。




720 degree virtual reality is today's most advanced navigation technology, the global landscape view, very suitable for indoor and outdoor show guide, so that the viewer through a network immersive. This technology is applicable to all walks of life can significantly improve the quality and shape the corporate image page, favorable and customer interaction, and this technology after implementation steps, such as: 1, the use of professional cameras and panoramic photography head with fish-eye panorama shooting the scene of the required 21 high dynamic range HDR images (surround each of the three 60-degree zenith 3); 2, the video splice work. Bonding principles apparent reference to the images of the control points for spherical projection rectangular panoramic images bonding operation; 3, the rectangular panorama spherical projection image is placed under the seat for the tripod, it will convert it to cubic panorama, to carry out repair work and overall image brightness, hue, saturation adjustment; 4, using Google Maps API to the service provided by Google Maps embedded to the real navigation system, and positioning coordinates to mark the location you want; 5, using Action Script 3.0 programming language and PV3D technical writing program, complete the Virtual Tour images. Present results have been published in: http: //www.2666.idv.tw show, Welcome to see. This is combined with Google Map and Attractions Virtual Tour of the physical results, the navigation display also features instructions and all attractions of the multimedia video introduction.


Virtual Reality
