  • 期刊


A Preliminary Exploration of China's Cyber Power: Observing the Attractiveness of China's ICT via International Cooperation


隨著美國政府近期強烈呼籲各國不應使用中國華為的第五代行動通訊技術(5^(th) Generation Mobile Network,以下簡稱5G),中共在國際間網際權力(cyber power)之虛實已成重要命題。然當前學界對於中共在國際間推動資訊與通訊技術(Information and Communication Technology, ICT)之合作的討論仍然有限。較多的研究係觀察中共內部政治體制與資訊科技政策,從中共對其人民的專制掌控與非民主政體等角度,論證中共網際權力將對其他國家造成網路犯罪、攻擊、間諜行為的隱憂,甚至可能干涉他國內政,形成國家安全威脅。作者注意到此類以零和賽局(zero-sum game)觀點出發之分析脈絡,無法完整解釋中共網際權力之擴散,或說明中共成功推動國際ICT合作之誘因。本文試圖以奈伊(Joseph S. Nye)提出之「網際權力」的內涵來觀察中共對外運用ICT 「吸引力」(attractiveness)之策略,並補充網際權力概念中較少著墨的非零和賽局面向與ICT硬體資源之重要性。透過觀察中共參與國際標準化組織與行動通訊技術之全球治理、推動數位絲路與海外融資政策、並探討華為在產業內之吸引力,研究發現,網際權力的運用脈絡中亦包含非零和賽局的傾向,導致中共得以利用各國對網路通訊科技之需求與希冀發展數位經濟與5G通訊之願景,拓展中國企業之ICT硬體設備與服務在國際上被接受與應用的「吸引力」。


The substance of China's cyber power has received much attention in the academic arena due to the U.S. authorities' warning against using Huawei's 5^(th) Generation Mobile Network (5G). However, there has been very few researches that have investigated China's push of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) via international cooperation. Most of the scholarly works on China's cyber power tend to shed light on China's non-democratic ideologies and its authoritative surveillance and control in domestic society. Consequently, the growth of Chinese cyber power has raised concerns about the issues of cybercrime, cyber-attack, and espionage, threatening other countries' society and national security. The authors argue that the aforementioned analytical framework is limited when explaining the widespread incentives for countries who have carried out ICT cooperation with China with respect to the alleged risks of national and information security. Hence, this paper employs Joseph S. Nye's "cyber power" to observe the "attractiveness" of China's export of ICT while supplementing the less discussed aspects of non-zero-sum game and telecom hardware in the discourse of cyber power. The authors examine China's involvement of international standardization, global governance of mobile communication technology, digital silk road, overseas lending, and the attractiveness of Huawei within the industry. The paper finds that China's use of "cyber power" also has the characteristics of a non-zero-sum game. This helps China to expand the "attractiveness" of China's ICT hardware and service and to foster international cooperation geared toward other countries' needs for developing digital economy, developing 5G technology, and promoting trans-regional cyber communication.


Cyber Power ICT Attractiveness Huawei


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