  • 期刊


Retrace the Myth of Pan-Gu Creating World


盤古神話首見於三國時期徐整《三五曆紀》和《五運歷年紀》的記錄,雖此二書早已亡佚,但盤古神話卻從此後來居上,不但成為中國唯一的創世神話,盤古更取代先秦以來女媧的地位,成為中國的人根之祖。 然以盤古神話出現的時間過遲,不免啟人疑竇:盤古神話是否真為中國原創的神話,抑或是外來的神話。對此,歷來學者有許多不同的說法,如有持中原說者,持南來說者,持印度說者和持北歐說者等,眾說紛紜。本文從民間文學的角度,重新檢視上述諸說,在將盤古神話與世界各地之垂死化身神話相比較後,認為盤古神話源自印度的說法最為可信。雖然如此,這並不表示中國文化落後於印度文化,相反的,能利用他國文化豐富自己文化,正表現出中國文化寬闊的胸襟與其包羅萬象的豐富內涵,盤古神話就是最好的代表。


盤古 創世神話 垂死化身 始祖神話 化生


The myth of Pan-Gu(盤古) was first recorded by Xu Zheng(徐整) at San-Guo(三國) period. Since then, Pan-Gu became one of Chinese most important myth. Because none of other Chinese myth had talked about how the world was created before. So Pan-Gu even replaced Nu-Wa(女媧) as the first ancestor of Chinese. But before San-Guo period, no one had ever heard about Pan-Gu. So many scholars thought that the myth of Pan-Gu maybe came from other place, ex: North Europe, South Asia or Indian. Still there are some scholars insisted that China was the birth-place of the myth of Pan-Gu. According to folktale, we discovered that the myth of Pan-Gu may really affected by the myth of India. Because they have so many similarities. But this result doesn’t mean that Chinese culture are lower than India .On the other way, it shows that Chinese can absorb other culture to enrich its own culture. And the myth of Pan-Gu was the best example.


Pan-Gu initial myth creating world incarnation ancestor

