  • 期刊


Variation of Tremor Pattern in Elite Archer with Different Rounds of the Simulating Olympic Games


本研究目的以模擬奧運資格賽實際競賽局數,運用二軸加速規,檢測優秀射箭選手雙手肢段在放箭期間所產生細微的震顫晃動之加速度變化,並分析探討優秀選手於漸增的回合數持弓手及拉弓手各肢段震顫的控制特徵。本研究以10位全國排名前36大學優秀射箭隊男子選手為對象,並模擬「奧運局」資格賽比賽情境量測,選手依本身的射箭節奏在4分鐘內射完6枝箭,1局為6回合,共2局72支箭,以8個自製三軸(X, Y, Z軸)加速規,依解剖學位置,由近端至遠端,黏貼固定於選手雙手手臂肢段及弓身依序為,左手持弓手:夾箭器、食指第三指關節,肱橈肌肌束,二頭肌肌束外側;右手拉弓手:食指第一指關節,手腕橈骨莖突,肱橈肌肌束,二頭肌肌束外側,以量測此位置的震顫訊號,分析方法以每局6回合6支箭放箭期間震顫強度平均數進行獨立樣本t檢定,分別考驗不同部位在兩局中震顫差異,並以10位選手奧運局72支箭放箭期間震顫強度進行單因子變異數與杜凱氏事後比較,分別考驗優秀選手雙手肢段各部位的震顫差異。本研究結論:選手雙手震顫強度會隨回合數增加而提高,因此選手本身動作技術,能減低因回合數漸增而上升的雙手震顫強度,對於放箭期間所造成不良影響。而在上述持弓手及拉弓手各部位震顫程度討論分析中,發現持弓手及拉弓手分別在遠近端肢段震顫強度上呈現相反狀態,持弓手呈現近端肢段震顫強度大於遠端肢段,拉弓手則為遠端大於近端,而雙手的手肘肱橈肌肌束部位震顫強度表現,在比較平均數後發現震顫強度均大於雙手各部位,此顯示雙手肘部的震顫控制為較難穩定的控制點。


加速規 肢體震顫


The purpose of this study was to simulate the Olympic Qualifying Tournament by examine the variation of elite archer tremor pattern when releasing arrows by using 3-axis accelerometers. The analysis of the limb tremors between drawing arm and holding arm was performed after the data collection. Ten collegiate male archers whose ranking was in top 36 in Taiwan were recruited in this study. The circumstances of simulating Olympic Qualifying Tournament and the analyzed data were recorded during release phase, which was 1 s before releasing point. Six arrows of each end should be shot in 4 minutes, and there would be 72 arrows totally (72=6 arrows x 6 end x 2 round). Eight accelerometers on upper limbs were placed on the following anatomical landmarks from distal to proximal of left drawing arm like as: (1) clipper: top of the clipper of bow; (2) the hand: middle shaft of the index finger; (3) the forearm: belly of the brachioradialis; (4) the arm: belly of the biceps brachii and right holding arm; (5) the hand: middle shaft of the index finger; (6) the wrist: styloid process of radius; (7) the forearm: belly of the brachioradialis; (8) the arm: belly of the biceps brachii. All those accelerometers were placed to measure the tremor for 72 arrows of each participant. The tremor amplitude was derived from root mean square of the acceleration. The averaged amplitude of 6 arrows of each end will be calculated. The tremor amplitude of archers was increasing while the game was continuing; therefore, player could enhance their movements technically to lessen the tremor amplitude and any other impact when releasing arrows. From the analysis of the level of tremor amplitude on drawing arm and holding arm, it was found that the performance of holding arm and drawing arm on distal and proximal limbs presented the opposite condition. The higher tremor amplitude was shown on proximal segment than distal segment on holding arm. However, for drawing arm, it showed the higher tremor amplitude on distal segment than proximal segment. It also showed that the tremor amplitude on brachioradialis was higher than any other region on both arms. Hence, the data suggests that elbow is the hardest control point for tremor.


accelerometer limb tremor




